The word Imbroglio hails from many languages
and means a complicated situation which turns out to be something
amazing. All of the musicians in the group met while teaching and
performing at the Ecole de Musique Sainte
Trinite in Cange, Haiti during the summer of 2013. Although the camp
conditions were nothing like what we were used to, the students, the music, the people and
the countryside were all truly amazing. Thus, a true Imbroglio was born.
The Campaign:
The Imbroglio Sextet recently toured Spain and Britain in September of 2014 performing music of Haiti, the United States and Spain with a group of international musicians. This Texas/Louisiana Tour brings the musicians and the music to the United States. The money raised in this campaign will go towards the plane tickets, the van rental, venue rental, hotels and other tour related expenses. We are not looking to make a lot of money, just to break even to be able to bring this incredible music as well as premiere the film short by Rush Olson for Brandon Brown's "4 Movements for a Film Projector". We hope to raise awareness of this amazing music as well as the music camps of Haiti.
The Imbroglio Sextet
Representing an unexpected, surprising situation that unravels questions and is at times casual; but overall, representing a combination of wanting to make music and overcoming distance and any other obstacles. This encompassing music is what the Imbroglio Sextet has created.
Imbroglio Sextet is a new, unique project of international character with origins in Cange, Haiti. In 2013, these musicians, inspired by their teaching efforts throughout Haiti, and motivated by the Haitian-American composer Sydney Guilluame and trumpeter Cara Pollard, began this musical project based on the foundations of peace in a country where creativity is a necessity and the desire to learn is the motor.
With this background, Imbroglio Sextet presents a completely new concert program unlike any before it. Pieces include Imbroglio – Sydney Guillaume, Spitfire – Jim Stephenson, 4 Movements for Film Projector – Brandon Brown: Film – Rush Olson and many others. The works display influences from the Caribbean, North America, and Europe. The mixture of ideas unfolds throughout and results in a great ending-- in an understanding that we could not have imagined any other way.
Imbroglio Sextet hopes to share their music and expectations of the same “imbroglios” that an understanding like this would create.
The Imbroglio Sextet
Guillaume – composer/director (Haiti – LA, California)
Pollard – trumpet (Texas)
Contreras – clarinet (Pamplona, Spain)
Otto – violin (Huesca, Spain)
von Braun – violin (San Francisco Conservatory – Michigan)
Lucia Nuin – viola (Pamplona, Spain)
Javier Navascues – cello (Pamplona,
Representa una situacion inesperada,
sorprendente, de desenlace tal vez en interrogante, y en ocasiones
casual. Pero sobre todo, representa un enredo, una mezcla de deseos de
hacer musica, pese a la distancia y a cualquier otra dificultad. Y este buen
enredo musical es lo que ha conducido a la creacion de Imbroglio Sextet.
Imbroglio Sextet es un proyecto unico,
Nuevo, y de caracter internacional que tiene su origen en Cange, Haiti.
Allie s donde en el ano 2013 coinciden estos musicos que, ademas de su
laborpedagogica realizada en el pias, y motivados por el compositor
haitiano-estadounidense Sydney Guillaume y la trompetista Cara Pollard, deciden
emprender este proyecto musical basado en los principios de concordia
fundamentales en un pais donde la necesidad es creatividad y deseo de aprender
es el motor.
Con esta propuesta, Imbroglio Sextet
presenta un programade concierto totalmente novedoso en cuanto a su realizacion
(Imbroglio – Sydney Guillaume, Spitfire – Jim Stephenson, 4 Movements for Film
Projector – Brandon Brown: Film – Rush Olson) y en su mayoria nunca
interpretado en Europa. Un programa compuesto de obras con influencias
caribenas, norteamericanas, latinoamericanas y europeas. Un conjunto de
ideas mezcladas, revueltas a veces, desarrolladas en su mayoria, pero resueltas
a un buen fin, a un entendimiento que no se hubiera imaginado de otra manera.
Imbroglio Sextet desea traer esta
musica y proporcionar los mismos Buenos “imbroglios” que un entendimiento como
este supone