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Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Help send NJ Teachers to the Artist/Teacher Institute to impact learning in and through the arts!

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Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Impact: aTi Scholarship Campaign

Help send NJ Teachers to the Artist/Teacher Institute to impact learning in and through the arts!

Help send NJ Teachers to the Artist/Teacher Institute to impact learning in and through the arts!

Help send NJ Teachers to the Artist/Teacher Institute to impact learning in and through the arts!

Help send NJ Teachers to the Artist/Teacher Institute to impact learning in and through the arts!

Arts Horizons
Arts Horizons
Arts Horizons
Arts Horizons
1 Campaign |
Englewood, United States
$200 USD 7 backers
4% of $4,150 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Artist/Teacher Institute (aTi)

immerses classroom teachers in the arts and technology
 to enhance their teaching practice and reignite their creativity. 
At aTi, teachers learn new skills and ideas to apply in their classroom Teachers who attend aTi impact thousands of students every year.


 #artsmatters   #njati

"aTi has made me a more confident artist and teacher.
I believe in my skills and techniques now.  My students see my confidence and in turn, tackle projects with creativity." 
- Teacher and aTi Participant Victoria Reinhard

See how a kindergarten teacher at aTi learned how to use 
technology and songwriting to teach literacy.

We need your support to transform teachers and students in and through the arts!
  • Donate what you can to our Impact aTi Campaign to help fund scholarships for teachers to attend the Summer 2015 Artist/Teacher Institute and tell your friends to do the same. Any amount helps. Whoever refers the most donors wins a prize!

  • Visit our page at to find out more information about aTi, workshops, instructors, dates, scholarship reports, lesson plans, and teacher projects. We also have videos of our workshops on YouTube.

  • Thank a teacher for their work in the classroom and then share aTi scholarship opportunities with them. They will thank you for it.

  • Share our campaign on social media with these hashtags:


aTi is a co-sponsored program of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts and Arts Horizons. Additional funding has been provided by The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. For over 36 years, Arts Horizons has impacted the lives of more than 9 million children and adults through the power of the arts. We are committed to making the performing, visual, literary and media arts and artistic expression equitable and accessible to diverse people of all ages and abilities. We believe that the arts are fundamental to a child's education, stimulating learning, enriching the teaching process and providing lifelong learning. Our exceptional programs are customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your population and site. We provide:

  • Engaging residency programs conducted by professional teaching artists
  • Interactive live performances
  • Participatory arts workshops for seniors that promote well-being 
  • Adaptive programs for populations with special needs and children in hospitals
  • Professional development for teachers and staff that builds skills in and through the arts

About the Artist/Teacher Institute (aTi)

 is a transformative professional learning experience and artistic retreat unlike any other where teachers participate in hands-on workshops in the visual, performing, literary and digital arts taught by master teaching artists. It's no wonder that more than half of aTi participants have attended the program more than once. Many participants say that aTi has changed their careers by impacting the way they teach and how students learn. Others emerge deeply connected or reconnected to the creative process.  The majority experience both. We welcome you to explore aTi’s impact both in and out of the classroom by browsing participant scholarship reports, lesson plans, workshop projects and testimonials.

Read More About Our Campaign:

About Impact: aTi

Scholarships for full-time NJ teachers to attend aTi subsidize up to 90% of the program cost. Teachers who apply for and receive a scholarship select from a variety of arts workshops that aTi offers.  Scholarship recipients complete all the requirements stipulated in the application including submitting a creative scholarship report that captures that aTi experience.Reports are available here.

Topics include but are not limited to: Creative MovementCreative WritingDigital ArtsMusicTheatreVisual Arts.

What We Need:

We need to raise $3,750 to provide NJ teachers with over 250 hours of workshops in art and technology. We are asking our donors to bring in $4,150 before fees on Indiegogo. With $3,750 in our scholarship fund, we can send more than a dozen teachers to aTi to gain skills in art and technology that enhance their professional practice and student learning. 
If we do not reach our goal through the Impact: aTi Campaign, we will be grateful for whatever donations we've received so far. Something is better than nothing and our teachers will be thankful for your generous support whether or not we get the full amount. If we raise more than our goal, any additional monies will still go straight to the scholarship fund.

What You Get:

$10: Pledge to support Arts Education.

Send us a photo for us to add to the office Campaign photo wall.

$25: Pledge to support Arts and Technology.
We’ll give you a ‘Shout Out’ on our Facebook pages and blog.

$50: Customized notecards.
We’ll ship a customized set of notecards made by students.

$80: Ceramics Workshop

Attend a Semi-Private Workshop in Ceramics wtih DeBorah Goletz of For Love of Mud Studio in West Milford, NJ.

$100: Oil Painting Workshop
Attend a Semi-Private Workshop in oil painting with Kit Sailer at her studio in Jersey City, NJ.

$150: Oil Painting Workshop

Private Lesson in oil painting with Kit Sailer at her studio in Jersey City, NJ.

$300: Arts Horizons Gala

Attend our annual October 2015 Gala with two tickets. More information upon request.

$500: Poetry Workshop

Attend a Semi-Private Workshop in Poetry taught by Peter Murphy in the NYC/NJ area. More information upon request.

$700: Custom Portrait

We’ll commission an original charcoal drawing portrait by Master Artist Donovan Nelson.

$1,000: Poetry Workshop
Private Session with Poet Peter Murphy in the NYC/NJ area. More information upon request.

$1,500: Collectible Artwork
Receive a signed print by artist LeRoy Neiman.

$3,200: Commissioned Portrait
We’ll commission a beautiful, original oil on canvas portrait by Master Artist Donovan Nelson.

Who Are Our Master Teaching Artists?

Participants at the Artist/Teacher Institute (aTi) are instructed by renowned Master Teaching Artists with adult learning and PreK-12 classroom experience. They are practicing dancers, musicians, authors, and artists who perform, publish, and exhibit their work internationally. Their commitment to arts education, teacher professional development and student-centered learning in and through the arts is world class.

CATHY LECLEIRE teaches Silkscreen and Painting Processes at Pratt Institute and Book Arts at Montclair State University. 

EILEEN FOTI is currently teaching printmaking at William Paterson University. Previously, she was an Assistant Professor at Montclair State University, the Master Printer at the Brodsky Center for Innovative Print and Paper, and the Interim Education Director at Tamarind Institute at the University of New Mexico. 

HECTOR MORALES is a drummer and percussionist, who has combined live national and international performance for the past 15 years with teaching music in the New York area. 

PETER E. MUPHY taught English and creative writing at Atlantic City High School for 29 years. Peter is the founder of Murphy Writing of Stockton University which offers programs for poets, writers and teachers in the U.S. and abroad.

BEN PRANGER has shown his sculpture throughout the U.S., and has been reviewed in publications such asArtforumArt in AmericaArtNews and Art Papers. Visit his website at

KIT SAILER received the Governor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Artist in 2012.  She has taught adults at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, the Newark Museum and at the Artist/Teacher Institute.  

HANNAH UENO is an Associate Professor of Visual Communications at Stockton University, NJ where she teaches graphic design, 3d computer graphics, and interactive media. 


WENDEL A. WHITE was awarded a BFA in photography from the School of Visual Arts in New York and an MFA in photography from the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently Distinguished Professor of Art at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.    #artsmatter #njati

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Choose your Perk

Photo Wall

$10 USD
$10: Pledge to support Arts Education. Send us a photo for us to add to the office Campaign photo wall.
1 claimed

Shout Out

$25 USD
$25: Pledge to support Arts and Technology. We’ll give you a ‘Shout Out’ on our Facebook pages and blog.
0 claimed

Customized Notecards

$50 USD
$50: Customized notecards. We’ll ship a customized set of notecards made by students.
1 out of 10 of claimed

Ceramics Workshop

$80 USD
$80: Ceramics Workshop Attend a Semi-Private Workshop in Ceramics wtih DeBorah Goletz of For Love of Mud Studio in West Milford, NJ.
0 claimed

Oil Painting Workshop

$100 USD
$100: Oil Painting Workshop Attend a Semi-Private Workshop in oil painting with Kit Sailer at her studio in Jersey City, NJ.
0 claimed

Private Oil Painting Workshop

$150 USD
Attend a Private Lesson workshop in oil painting with Kit Sailer at Kit Sailer Studio in Jersey City, NJ.
0 claimed

Gala Tickets

$300 USD
Receive 2 tickets to Arts Horizons Annual Gala.
0 out of 2 of claimed

Semi-Private Poetry Workshop

$500 USD
Attend a Semi-Private Lesson workshop in Poetry taught by Master Artist Peter Murphy in the NYC/NJ area. More information upon request.
0 claimed

Portrait. Charcoal Drawing

$700 USD
We’ll commission an original portrait by Master Artist Donovan. Charcoal Drawing.
0 claimed

Private Poetry Workshop

$1,000 USD
Attend a Private Lesson workshop in Poetry taught by Master Artist Peter Murphy in the NYC/NJ area. More information upon request.
0 claimed

Signed Leroy Neiman Print

$1,500 USD
We'll send you an autographed Leroy Neiman art print.
0 out of 3 of claimed

Portrait. Oil on Canvas

$3,200 USD
We'll commission for you an original portrait made by Master Artist Donovan. Oil on canvas.
0 claimed

Be the Change

$4,300 USD
"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi As an honored matching donor for our campaign, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your donation is impacting the lives of hundreds and thousands of students statewide. You'll also be thanked with all of our perks above.
0 out of 1 of claimed
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