The Story So Far...
In the fall of 2019, four friends created a cosplay group comprised of original characters from or inspired by the book series Tales of the Decoverse by John Pyka. They became The League of Impossibilists; time traveling paranormal heroes defending the space time continuum from supernatural threats!
Doug Oller joined the team and proposed creating a comic series. The comic series has been published incrementally as a web comic but now it is time to take it to the next level!
What We Need & What You Get
To finish the comic for proper publication we need $2,000. That money will go to:
- Hiring a professional letterer to re-do the word balloons and captions to bring the book in line with publishing standards.
- We will hire a professional digital colorist to bring the art to life in full color!
- All contributors will get 2 copies of the finished book - one in print and one in digital!
- Even if we don't reach our full goal, we will still use money raised towards this goal of finishing the work.
This comic will be part of the Tales of the Decoverse series. It will become Volume 5!
- Doug Oller fulfills a life long dream of becoming a published comicbook artist!
- John Pyka rekindles a passion put on the shelf over 25 years ago!
- And this comic becomes the first time a Middle TN based Cosplay Group are adapted in comic form!
Risks & Challenges
Are there risks? Sure. The risk is that we don't meet our goal and have to settle for less than the moon. HOWEVER, the publishing deal is already signed with Seventh Star Press and Volumes 1 - 4 will already completed.
We've got publisher support for the finished product, and it will be produced. But with your help, we can get there faster
Other Ways You Can Help
We get it. Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- You can also contribute a small monthly amount via to see the progress so far and read the chapters as they are completed every week!
- Help us promote! Help get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Indiegogo makes sharing easy! Just use the handy share tools to share with your friends on social media and everywhere you can!
Thanks for the support, and we'll catch ya on the flip-side!