Short Summary
Hello! We are Heidi Boucher, Home Death Care Guide and filmmaker, David 'Sketch' Sketchley, Editor and filmmaker, and Ruby Sketchley, Actor and filmmaker. With our film, In The Parlor: The Final Goodbye, we invite you to share the intimate insights and experiences of three families who chose to take a more active role in caring for their own dead. What was once a normal everyday part of life, prior to the Civil War, is now making a resurgence. Despite the dominance of professional funeral services, families in most states are entitled to care for their own dead. In The Parlor aims
to broaden awareness of alternative funeral practices, highlighting the options and benefits of caring for ones own, after death, by sharing the
stories of these families who chose this more personal, environmentally friendly and fulfilling
Filming is complete! Yes, everything has been filmed! We even have incredible artists offering us use of their original music. Now you can be a part of this unique and inspiring project. With $25,000 we can get our film completed and ready for distribution. We are on the final stretch!
What We Need & What You Get
With 70+ hours filmed, we now need this money to pay for editing, music supervision, graphics, marketing and distribution of the film.
As a contributor you will play an important role in making this happen and we are offering unique ways to say thank you. These perks* (named after famous cemeteries) include your name on our poster which we will use as the cover on our Facebook page, a chance to download your personal copy of the completed film, free tickets to a screening (transportation not included) Producer credits, a bumper sticker, a Skype session explaining what you need to know about caring for your own loved one after death with Heidi Boucher. We even have 2 complete Home Death Care packages available (California residents only). *All perks dependent upon donation amount.
Even if we don't raise our entire goal we will begin editing and continue fundraising and submitting grant applications because we have worked on this film for over three years and we will finish it!
The Impact
We hope that our film will raise awareness and get people talking. We plan how we want our children to enter this world, why not plan how we would like to leave it? People have told us that our trailer has helped them begin the death talk with those they care about and we are excited about the educational opportunities that In The Parlor will bring. During the making of this film we learned that many people have no idea that this is even an option. Life is about choices and we believe that this is a choice that we should all have. The impact of the trailer has been felt by those who have watched it. Our crew and team, while in the process of filming, have been deeply affected as well.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know that no matter how much you may wish it, you just may not be able to financially contribute at this time. We still want your help though by sharing this campaign with friends on Facebook, twitter, email, word of mouth, raven, however you choose to. We are grateful for your support.