Short Summary
Our planet is on life alert, mankind is on life alert, and how
can we begin the conversation that affects all walks of life?
Our youth, our future caretakers of Mother Earth are straying
from what our ancestors intended them to do.
Our elders and all in-between are struggling with the realities of the
aftermath of chaos. You can see it within
every walk of life; hear about it in every conversation around the globe. These conversations that foretell our future,
carries no prejudice and our ancestors voices once again need to be heard and
their gifts taught.
Indigenous prophecies and stories have foretold of a time when the
Peoples of the lands will come together for the wellbeing of Mankind. The people will unite under a common cause to
save the earth, the water, the air and all its inhabitants. Our children’s children and the next seven
generations to come, depend on these conversations and actions, as this is
their rightful legacy.
It is
important Indigenous Peoples survive, intact with cultural knowledge,
traditions, values and languages. In
order to achieve this on a global scale, it will take a global journey by
Elders, Grandmothers, Leaders and Healers.
The restoration of our histories will no longer be, if we do not take
action in a positive manner. We are
facing battles against Alcohol/ Drug Abuse/Suicide/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and
all the other negative lifestyles, which come from this way of life. We as Indigenous people are out of balance.
What We Need & What You Get
We are seeking financial support to send 4 Elders on a global journey in 2016. Our trip begins from United States to New Zealand, visiting Indigenous communities, schools, NGO’s and tribes where we can share our histories, our traditions and our stories. The journey provides opportunity for global discussion between other elders, leaders and with the people to identify a way forward in the chaos of today’s world.
We need the
x4 flights from USA to NZ return for Elders & Elder Support
accommodation x2 twin rooms for 14 nights
14 days for food for 4 people
towards travel costs
to documentation our journey, It is
important to us we share the messages and lessons worldwide, we will make a
online video available to you!
Accommodation, travel and
food will be partially met by host group in Aotearoa, NZ
Our Gift to you
- Wisdom
messages and lessons posted online for each and every one from our Elders
- An
online record of events, includes where appropriate ceremony and presentations
- Live
contact access to our Elders via social media, let us know what you would like
to share with Maori peoples
- An
update of this special Ancestral Global Journey will be available online
- Weekly
radio interviews and updates “Indigenous Peoples Voice” Radio online Mondays
9pm EST, Join us live
The Impact
The individual responsibilities of Eldership can speak and teach volumes, as it will take a global Indigenous community to heal our Indigenous Peoples and our planet. Our conversations are worldwide; we have measurable proof within the indigenous communities as 500 years plus provide the evidence of fallen communities of wellness.
Other Ways You Can Help
All contributions are gratefully received, gifting your Air-points to our Elders will also help greatly.
Who we Are
Great Grandmother Mary Lyons, Ojibwe Elder, Niizh-Nibi-Ikwe “Second
Water Woman”, Elder of Mitigwakk-Daywaygus-Giwstashskad “Water Drum Circle”,
Sr. Member of the “Top Hat Medicine Dress/Long Skirt Society”, Spiritual
Advisor, Storyteller, Wisdom Teacher. Grandmother Mary carries an intense
professional portfolio, her contribution to the wellness of women and families
stands at the forefront of her commitments in the areas of “talking circles,
ceremonies, Vision interpretations, one on one Spiritual Guidance.
Given the global challenges humanity
faces in the 21st century, we can no longer afford to maintain artificial
divisions between peoples and nations. Learning from the indigenous peoples of
the world, along with the wisdom-keepers of all cultures and faith traditions,
we must begin to understand ourselves as part of a great human family that is
itself justone strand in the web of life
on our living Earth.
Mashu White Feather, Cherokee Elder and Traditionalist, International Speaker, Chair Two Feathers International and Indigenous Representative at the United Nations PFII. Worked with Indigenous American communities throughout USA, lectured in New Zealand, Canada, England, Azerbaijan, Germany and Siberia in Northern Russia.
Every person has a right to know their
heritage. Understanding who we are and
where come from will see us through life.
Strengthen cultural identity, restore traditions, language and
Thinking Indigenous again is key for
Indigenous Peoples to participate effectively in strengthening their families,
their communities and Nations and provides opportunity to make a positive
difference in the world today and for the future generations to come.
Elder Support Team
Fonda Smith, Minnisota USA,
Michael Lewis, Florida, USA
Doreen Bennett, Whanganui Aotearoa, New Zealand
Team in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Doreen Bennett for Two Feathers
International Consultancy
Bennett Whanau Trust
Kimiora Trust & Wahine Ora
Te Whanau o Maungarongo Trust
Our Information Details
* Our acknowledgements to Jane Feldman Photographer