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Indigenous Message on Water

Let’s publish and share this multicultural anthology. Support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace! / Ayúdanos a publicar esta antología multicultural!

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Indigenous Message on Water

Indigenous Message on Water

Indigenous Message on Water

Indigenous Message on Water

Indigenous Message on Water

Let’s publish and share this multicultural anthology. Support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace! / Ayúdanos a publicar esta antología multicultural!

Let’s publish and share this multicultural anthology. Support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace! / Ayúdanos a publicar esta antología multicultural!

Let’s publish and share this multicultural anthology. Support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace! / Ayúdanos a publicar esta antología multicultural!

Let’s publish and share this multicultural anthology. Support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace! / Ayúdanos a publicar esta antología multicultural!

Juan Sánchez
Juan Sánchez
Juan Sánchez
Juan Sánchez
2 Campaigns |
London, Canada
$5,100 USD 87 backers
51% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

                                       (Lea el resumen en español abajo)

What is Indigenous Message on Water?

In keeping with the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace*, our anthology Indigenous Message on Water

Is a multi-lingual book (English/Spanish/Native language/s) gathering wisdom, thoughts, verses, short-stories, poems, and general reflections on the various local issues pertaining to Water. 

Is an intercultural dialogue between East/West/North/South indigenous elders, activists and writers.

Is a pedagogical tool to create awareness about Water around the world.

Supports, via the arts, the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace.

Invites readers to offer their own words to Water in a symbolic gesture to protect and honor her.

       Valle Okonagan

Who Are the Authors, Artists and Editors?

The Indigenous Message on Water brings together the poems, stories and thoughts of various friends from far and wide this blue globe on which we live on. They who have gifted us with beautiful droplets from their own harvest: Chamoru, Pinay and Maori friends from the Pacific; Sakhe from Russia; Cree, Tsalagi, Cherokee, Yoeme, Anishinaabe, Lakota, Lipan Apache, Metis, and Gitxan friends from North America; K'iche', Kaqchikel, and Q'anjob'al friends from Guatemala; Maya and Nahuatl friends from Mexico; Wayuu, Palenque and Kuna friends from the Caribbean; Uitoto, Okaina and Tikuna from the Amazonia; and Kichua, Yanakuna and Mapuche-Huilliche friends from the Andes and the farthest lands of the Deep South.



Alejandra García Quintanilla / Allison HedgeCoke

Andrew Judge / Briceida Cuevas

Calixta Gabriel Xiquín / Cebaldo De León

Craig Santos Perez / Daniel Caño

Darlene Sanderson / Diane M. Zephier

Estercilia Simanca Pushaina

Francisco Ucán-Marín / Enokakuiodo

Fredy Chikangana / Gideon Mackay

Gloria Albernaz / Graciela Huinao

Holly Calica / Hugo Jamioy

Humberto Ak'abal / Jaime Luis Huenún

Javier Salcedo Gregorio / Jessica Robertson

Jim Larriva / John D. Berry

Jon M. Fox / Judith Santoprieto

Kim Shuck / Kimberly L. Becker

Late Sandy Beardy / Lorenzo Aillapán

Luis Antonio Canché Briceño / M. Blackstock

María Inés Huenuñir / María Teresa Panchillo

MariJo Moore / Marlena Myles / Miguel Rocha Vivas

Mirian Díaz Pérez / Rafael Mercado Epieyú

Rayen Kuyeh / Ruth Chaparro

Te HuirangiErueraWaikerepuru

Vicenta María Siosi Pino / Xánath Caraza

Margo Tamez / Lee Maracle

Galina Popova / EvdokiyaKsenofontova



Lee Claremont (

Daniel Molina Sierra (

Oswaldo DeLeón Kantule (



Juan Guillermo Sánchez Martínez

Felipe Quetzalcoatl Quintanilla

Darlene Sanderson

Sophie Lavoie


What We Need and What You Get

We need $10.000 US Dollars to cover the cost of publishing the Anthology, print the posters and t-shirts and, furthermore, to fulfill our mandate so as to send out the books and perks.

With your help, the project will be divided like this:

  • We will send at least 6 complimentary books for each of the 60 authors/artists in the compilation.
  • We will also give books to the special guests of the forum in 2014.
  • We will send the books out to the applicable funders around the world.
  • And any remaining books will be sold independently. Any profit is intended to support the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace of 2014.
  • NB: The PERKS, on the right side of your screen, offer different possibilities to obtain the book and/or to be involved in this collective publication!


The Impact

Elders have shared that Water has its own life force, that rivers and streams are the arteries and veins of Mother Earth, and that the oceans are the sacred mat that links all of Life. We know that Water is necessary for the health of all people, plants and animals. Yet, half of all Mother Earth’s lakes and rivers are polluted. And billions of people live without access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation. Many of these communities are indigenous. Even in Canada –a ‘developed’ country- 1/6 of indigenous communities do not have access to safe, clean drinking water.

Despite our proven sustainable cultural practices that respect and honor the natural environment, the lived experiences of our communities are overlooked. In many policies and strategies for action, the scientific world is looked to for both water policy development and climate change strategies. As original caretakers and guardians of Mother Earth, we have valuable insights for sustainable water practices that could inform and suggest alternatives to current water management and governance systems.


By Darlene Sanderson, Cree/Russian, PhD, Secretariat

*Fragment of a text that was published in TokBlongPacifik, News and Views from the Pasific Islands. Vol. 9.Issue 1. Winter 2012


Other Ways You Can Help

If you can’t monetarily support our project, you can still help us!

  • Please share this campaign with your friends, students, colleagues, editors, magazines through your own social network. We will appreciate it tremendously! You can use the tools in this site to share.
  • Please also link to this site on your own blogs, websites and platforms, and follow us on facebook!                        


*The Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace is a coalition of Indigenous leaders, Indigenous organizations, academics and like-minded people globally who wish to protect water for future generations. It is a vision from the Elders, and has the support of 60 organizations globally (at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues). This is a partnership between Indigenous peoples organizations (The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers), universities (UNBC, UVic), and non-government organizations (The Pacific Peoples’ Partnership and the Indigenous Environmental Network).

This Forum has two components:

  • A global forum that will gather together traditional Indigenous knowledge keepers, community members working to protect water and people from all nations, proposed for September, 2014. The Global Forum responds to the need to develop sustainable water practices and to address conflicts over water, and will address the Millennium Development Goals such as poverty, disease and child mortality.
  • The forum will be a catalyst for a new paradigm, the drop of water that ripples out to local communities to work together for healthy and clean water. Communities’ capacity will be built to find their own solutions to the challenges faced by water.     

\The founding members of the Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace:

Tom Goldtooth (USA – Indigenous Environmental Network)

Motarilavoa Hilda Lini (Vanuatu – traditional hereditary chief)

Mona Polacca (USA – Hopi/Tewa, Hausupai, International Council of the 13 Grandmothers)

Lucy Mulenkei (Kenya – Indigenous Information Network)

TeHuirangiWaikerepuru (Aotearoa/New Zealand – Maori kaumatua/traditional Elder

JebraRamMuchahary (India – NE Indigenoustribes)

Tomas Alarcon (Peru – CAPAJ)




(Resumen en Español)

¿Qué es el Mensaje Indígena de Agua?

  • Es un libro multilingüe (español/inglés/lenguas nativas) de consejas, pensamientos, versos, cuentos, poemas y reflexiones sobre problemáticas locales relacionados con el agua, los cuales líderes, abuelos, poetas, escritores, activistas indígenas del mundo están regalándonos para esta edición colectiva.
  • Es un diálogo intercultural entre abuel@s, activistas y escritor@s indígenas del Este/Oeste/Norte/Sur.
  • Es una herramienta pedagógica para crear conciencia sobre el carácter sagrado y medicinal del Agua.
  • Es un apoyo –desde la perspectiva del Arte- al Foro Indígena Mundial sobre el Agua y la Paz.
  • Es una invitación a los lectores a ofrecer sus propias palabras al Agua en un gesto simbólico de protección y agradecimiento.

En realidad es una publicación muy importante para los objetivos del Foro, pues a través del libro esperamos que el mensaje se propague y personas en todo el mundo reflexionen sobre el agua a partir de estas palabras. Al mismo tiempo, esperamos con la venta del libro reunir fondos y así cubrir una parte de los gastos del Foro Los participantes, desde luego, recibirán ejemplares para compartir con su propia comunidad.


¿Quiénes son los artistas, autores y editores?



Alejandra García Quintanilla / Allison HedgeCoke

Andrew Judge / Briceida Cuevas

Calixta Gabriel Xiquín / Cebaldo De León

Craig Santos Perez / Daniel Caño

Darlene Sanderson / Diane M. Zephier

Estercilia Simanca Pushaina

Francisco Ucán-Marín / Enokakuiodo

Fredy Chikangana / Gideon Mackay

Gloria Albernaz / Graciela Huinao

Holly Calica / Hugo Jamioy

Humberto Ak'abal / Jaime Luis Huenún

Javier Salcedo Gregorio / Jessica Robertson

Jim Larriva / John D. Berry

Jon M. Fox / Judith Santoprieto

Kim Shuck / Kimberly L. Becker

Late Sandy Beardy / Lorenzo Aillapán

Luis Antonio Canché Briceño / M. Blackstock

María Inés Huenuñir / María Teresa Panchillo

MariJo Moore / Marlena Myles / Miguel Rocha Vivas

Mirian Díaz Pérez / Rafael Mercado Epieyú

Rayen Kuyeh / Ruth Chaparro

Te Huirangi Eruera Waikerepuru

Vicenta María Siosi Pino / Xánath Caraza

Margo Tamez / Lee Maracle

Galina Popova / Evdokiya Ksenofontova      



Lee Claremont (

Oswaldo DeLeón Kantule (

Daniel Molina Sierra (



Juan Guillermo Sánchez Martínez

Felipe Quetzalcoatl Quintanilla

Darlene Sanderson

Sophie Lavoie


Miembros FUNDADORES del Foro Indígena Mundial sobre el Agua y la Paz:

Tom Goldtooth (USA – Indigenous Environmental Network)

Motarilavoa Hilda Lini (Vanuatu – traditional hereditary chief)

Mona Polacca (USA – Hopi/Tewa, Hausupai, International Council of the 13 Grandmothers)

Lucy Mulenkei (Kenya – Indigenous Information Network)

Te Huirangi Waikerepuru (Aotearoa/New Zealand – Maori kaumatua/traditional Elder

Jebra Ram Muchahary (India – NE Indigenous tribes)

Tomas Alarcon (Peru – CAPAJ)


Qué necesitamos / Usted qué obtiene

Con su ayuda, el total de ejemplares impresos va a ser dividido de la siguiente manera:

  • Vamos a enviar 6 libros a cada uno de los autores/artistas de la compilación.
  • Vamos a regalar libros a los invitados espaciales del Foro 2014.
  • Dependiendo de la campaña, vamos a enviar libros a cada uno de ustedes, alrededor del mundo.
  • Y el número de libros restante será vendido por nosotros de manera independiente a fin de apoyar el Foro Indígena Mundial sobre el Agua y la Paz 2014.

¡Los INSENTIVOS (PERKS) en el costado derecho de su pantalla ofrecen distintas posibilidades para obtener el libro y ser parte de esta publicación colectiva!


 Otras formas en las que nos pueden ayudar

Si Usted no puede apoyarnos monetariamente, ¡todavía puede ayudarnos!

  • Por favor, comparta esta campaña con amigos, estudiantes, colegas, editores, revistas y en general entre red social. ¡Nosotros se lo agradeceremos! Puede usar las herramientas de este sitio para hacerlo.
  • También puede enlazar este sitio con su propio blog, página web o plataforma, ¡y además puede seguirnos en Facebook!


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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
You will receive the Anthology in e-book format! We will include your name in the book’s Acknowledgments page. ¡Recibirás el E-BOOK de la antología! Además incluiremos tu nombre en la página de agradecimientos.
15 claimed

Paper book! / Libro Impreso!

$35 USD
You will receive the anthology in both the e-book and PAPER formats! We will include your name in the book’s Acknowledgments page. This is a perfect gift! ¡Recibirás el e-book y el LIBRO IMPRESO de la antología! Además incluiremos tu nombre en la página de agradecimientos. Un regalo perfecto!
39 claimed

Poster! / Afiche!

$45 USD
You will receive the e-book, the paper book and the official POSTER of the Anthology! We will also include your name in the book’s Acknowledgments page. ¡Recibirás el e-book, un libro impreso y el POSTER OFICIAL de la antología! Además incluiremos tu nombre en la página de agradecimientos.
9 claimed

2 books! / 2 libros!

$70 USD
You will receive the e-book, 2 paper copies of the book and the official poster of the Anthology! We will also include your name in the book’s Acknowledgments page. ¡Recibirás el e-book, 2 LIBROS IMPRESOS, y el poster oficial de la antología! Además incluiremos tu nombre en la página de agradecimientos.
8 claimed

T-shirt! / Camiseta!

$95 USD
You will receive the e-book, 2 paper books, the official poster of the Anthology and a unique sponsor’s T-SHIRT! We will also include your name in the sponsor list for the project. ¡Recibirás el e-book, 2 libros impresos, el poster oficial y una CAMISETA EXCLUSIVA para los sponsors! Además incluiremos tu nombre en la lista de sponsors del proyecto.
6 claimed

4 books + 2 t-shirts!

$200 USD
You will receive the e-book, 4 paper copies of the book, the official poster of the Anthology and 2 unique sponsor’s t-shirt! We will also include your name in the sponsor list for the project. ¡Recibirás el e-book, 4 libros impresos, el poster oficial y 2 camisetas exclusivas para los sponsors! Además, incluiremos tu nombre en la lista de sponsors del proyecto.
2 claimed

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