An innovative mini vehicle powered by IOT 5G and AI is the next generation of future autonomous and virtualization you can buy for. Different features and extended capabilities are ready for you to commute and explore the world.
Remote-less control is the future. With just your cell phone or even using CarPlay, the mini car can be controlled through the 5G internet connection. So, no matter where you want to control the car manually or autonomously, you can perform the action without range limitation.
The INNO C1 can reach speeds up to 30mph with a range of 35 miles. With this long range, you can easily drive from San Francisco to San Jose with no battery recharge, or complete a full marathon.
Press and Rotate
- Press the pedal to go forward or backward.
- Rotate your mobile to make turns
Tap and Swipe
- Tap to change power for forward or backward.
- Swipe the wheel to make turns
Autonomous Waypoint Autopilot
- Powered by built-in GPS, all functional sensors and AI software.
- Select the coordinates
- Confirm and wait for the mini car to drive automatically
All can be done on a webpage or APP.
With radar technology, INNO C1 can detect objects within 10 meters and automatically make a full stop to avoid collision.
Our goal is to let you control ANY vehicle remotely even if it is a rc car or rc boat because our future is universal. You can just simply GRAB our control box out of the mini vehicle and PLUG the box to your device with only two signals wiring, motor and servo. And, it’s all done! No programmatic skill is required. Below is the detail of how it works.
Unlimited Range & Power Project
With our extendable capacity, you can build your satellite internet and solar panel project to your own device or vehicle, so that you can commute, research or explore with no more geographical and power limitations.
Developer Mode
If you have your own idea, just feel free to control your device with our API call to satisfy your customization needs. Here is the documentation. https://innomati.com/api.html
Shoot us an email at cs@innomati.com or inbox us using Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/innomati
Innomati is an IOT company that intends to to create unmanned wireless vehicles for consumer, commercial and professional buyers. The company enables the future of automation and virtualization.