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Instantly find your cell phone or keys


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Instantly find your cell phone or keys

Instantly find your cell phone or keys

Instantly find your cell phone or keys

Instantly find your cell phone or keys

Instantly find your cell phone or keys





Roland Strahlhofer
Roland Strahlhofer
Roland Strahlhofer
Roland Strahlhofer
1 Campaign |
Graz, Austria
$3,406 USD $3,406 USD 43 backers
18% of $18,054 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

!!!   GET YOUR YODLA NOW - see Perk "HANSI"  !!!


Tired of loosing your Phone or anything else? Connect Yodla once with your bluetooth-phone and attach it to what ever you love to loose ;-)


YODLA is a key ring which connects with your cell phone via Bluetooth. Set-up once and it is ready for use. Instantly locate your phone, keys or anything else you don't want to lose anymore.

YODLA ist ein Schlüsselanhänger, des sich mit deinem Mobiltelefon via Bluetooth verbindet. Einmal einstellen und Du bist bereit für die Verwendung. Finde Dein Telefon, Deine Schlüssel oder sonstige Gegenstände.


Never lose your important stuff again!
Where’s my key, where’s my phone? Imagine not knowing where your main items are but you need them immediately.


Like it or love it. YODLA

Find your phone
YODLA can make your cell phone ring. To find your phone, just click the YODLA button.

Find your keys (or anything else)
Use YODLA to attach it with your most frequently needed items like keys. To find your keys, trigger YODLA with your phone.


How does it work?

YODLA connects with your cell phone via Bluetooth. Pair the devices and setup your custom priority number - the one you want to trigger for an instant call. Use it as a key ring for your keys.

You are ready to use YODLA.

YODLA data

  • 1 button
  • Bluetooth 2.1+ EDR and 4.0 (Low Energy)
  • 1 loudspeaker
  • 1 LED flash light


  • Bluetooth compatible cell phone


Open Development for YODLA
We want to share all development work with all of you and enable you to collaborate with us on this project.

This why we develop the device on an open collaboration platform for you to participate and help in realizing the project.


Why we need your help?

We have completed the functional prototypes of YOLDA to verify that it works.

We want to produce a small volume of a few hundred YODLAs. We are looking at a retail price below 28 Euro.

Future Plans

Trigger Apps (iPhone, Androit) with the push of a button to bring more life to YODLA.

Why the YODLA campaign?
We are a hand full of close friends, who are working on innovation and improvements for the world and the people. We are from Austria, where yodeling is used as method to communicate in the mountains, this inspired us for YODLA. Some of us are geeks, some of us are project managers and some of us are extremely creative spirits. However, we all have one thing in common: Technology.

When people ask us how we got the idea for YODLA, we can actually tell them that we didn't—it found us. We got the notification of an idea competition (GruenderGarage – see partners) and one of our team entered an idea whilst kissed by a muse. A few weeks later, he was notified that this was an idea with potential and the go ahead to post it on for crowd funding.

Initially we have looked at YODLA for quickly triggering actions with a smartphone, like ordering your favorite pizza, activating equipment such as heating systems through apps, and so on. We were talking to a great deal of people about this device, but they did not seem to have a hunger for it.
However, when we were talking to a young group of blind and visually impaired people in a Call Center in our area, we received a totally different feedback. When mentioning, that with a push of a button, your phone can be located as it rings, they responded with a wave of positive feedback. The same with our parents and their friends - they see the need for YODLA, because of misplacing phone or keys very, very frequently.

We would love to give YODLA to everyone!!!

 Perks Yodla


What if I lose YODLA and my phone?

Call your phone from another line in order to find it and use your phone to locate YODLA.

How can I attach YODLA to my cane?

YODLA is like a keyring and can be attached to canes.

How long does the battery last?

We are looking at round about 6 months of battery life.

Is it waterproof?

You cannot immerse YODLA in water, but a walk in the rain will not be a problem.

Does it use up my phones battery?

Yes, YODLA is a Bluetooth device, which uses an additional 5-10% per day of your phone, similar to a Bluetooth Headset.

How will I know when YODLA is running out of battery?

YODLA will trigger a message on your phone.

Can I use YODLA with my headset as well?

Yes, you are able to use your regular Bluetooth headset or even other YODLAs simultaneously with your phone.

How far away can my YODLA be from my cell phone?

You should be within a distance of about 10 meters (~ 30ft.)

What is the size of YODLA?

The housing measures roughly 3cm x 2cm

When can YODLA be used with Apps?

After we have successfully implemented the tasks above we will enhance YODLA capabilities multiple times.

Does YODLA respond if placed under something? Does it work through walls?

YODLA will respond under clothes, magazines, books and the like. Transmission through walls depends on the structure of the building.


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
(1) You will receive a Video Link with us yodeling as a special Thank-You.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
26 claimed


Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
(1) You will receive a Video Link with us yodeling as a special Thank-You. (2) You will receive an invitation to our collaboration site, to be able to specify YODLA, interact and work together with us. (•) You will receive a 10% special discount when purchasing your YODLA.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
3 claimed


Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
You will receive all of the above and the Yodla Button. Pin it on caps or bags to gain attraction.   (•) You will receive a 15% special discount when purchasing YODLA.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You will receive all of the above. You will be sent a bottle of 100% Pumpkin Seed Oil (Our regional, Styrian speciality!) (•) You will receive a 25% special discount when purchasing your YODLA.
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $37 USD
€35 EUR
You will receive all of the above and the Yodla Shirt; to show up really cool. (•) You will receive a 30% special discount when purchasing your YODLA.
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $53 USD
€50 EUR
(1) You will receive a Video Link with us yodeling especially for You (personalized). (2) You will receive an invitation to our collaboration site, to be able to specify YODLA, interact and work together with us. (3) You will be sent a bottle of 100% Pumpkin Seed Oil, a Styrian speciality! (4) You will receive a 50% special discount when purchasing your YODLA.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $106 USD
€100 EUR
(1) You will receive a Video Link with us yodeling especially for You (personalized). (2) You will receive an invitation to our collaboration site, to be able to specify YODLA, interact and work together with us. (3) You will be sent a bottle of 100% Pumpkin Seed Oil, a Styrian speciality! (4) You will receive one YODLA free of charge.
5 claimed


Currency Conversion $212 USD
€200 EUR
You will receive alle of the above and the limited (50 pcs.) Yodla Sunglasses that will prevent you from paparazzi attacks. (At least we will treat you like a star!)
0 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,062 USD
€1,000 EUR
You will receive all of the above and you will be yodeling with us in a Weekend Yodeling seminar in Styria, Austria. Save a date and find your way here, the rest is provided by us. And you will be sent a basket with Styrian specialities!
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $10,620 USD
€10,000 EUR
We show you Austria! Have a trip with us to Vienna, Salzburg and Graz. See the Lipizzaner horses, the places of Sound of Music and many more. Save a date. 1 long distance flight is included. You will also be yodeling with us in a Weekend Yodeling seminar in Styria, Austria. And of course you will receive all of the above!
0 claimed

FERDL (Are you sure?)

Currency Conversion $1,062,005,000 USD
€1,000,000,000 EUR
Did we ever say Open Source? We patent the device for you and implement the whole project in your name. Maybe we can also throw in some indiegogo shares for you ;-)
0 out of 1 of claimed

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