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International Studies Goal.

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International Studies Goal.

International Studies Goal.

International Studies Goal.

International Studies Goal.

International Studies Goal.

Mariam Gudiel
Mariam Gudiel
Mariam Gudiel
Mariam Gudiel
1 Campaign |
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
$0 USD 0 backers
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     Una de mis mas grandes metas es poder prepararme para ser de gran ayuda para mi familia, amigos y para el mundo. Durante 18 meses preste servicio voluntario en Salt Lake City, Utah, donde tuve experiencias hermosas que han cambiado mi vida por completo. Es en este hermoso lugar donde tambien se encuentra la Universidad a la que me gustaria asistir y en la que me gustaria prepararme para servir. Es mi deseo poder estudiar  la Carrera de asistente medico y de esta manera ayudar a aquellos a mi alrededor y aun a quienes no conozco. Lastimosamente no tengo los medios necesarios para costear esta educacion y esta es la razon principal para esta recaudacion. Se que si la oportunidad se presenta estare lista para dar lo mejor de mi y de esta manera preparar mi futuro que se estara lleno de oportunidades de servir a quienes amo y a quienes mas lo necesitan.


    One of the greatest goals in my life is to prepare myself to be of great help to my family, friends and the world. During 18 months I served as a volunteer in Salt Lake City, Utah where I had beautiful experiences that had changed my life.  It is in this beautiful place where the school I want to enroll and prepare myself to serve is found. It is my desire to study to be a Medical Assistant and help the ones I love and even the ones I don’t through my career. Unfortunately I don’t have enough economical resources to pay for this education, this is the main reason for raising money. I know that if the opportunity comes I will be ready to give the best of myself and this way prepare my future that I know will be full of opportunities to serve the ones I love and the ones that need it most.

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