Personal Statement
My Name is Don Flournoy. I am a Prof. in the Scripps College of
Communication at Ohio University and the founding Editor of the Online Journal of Space Communication. For the past four years
I have been captivated by the idea that Space-based Solar Power is a plausible
path to reducing our global dependence on burning fossil fuels for energy and
an obvious way to address some of the negative effects of climate change.
I am an Advisor to the National Space Society (NSS) and served
as Education VP on the board of directors of the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI). At Ohio University, I
have taught satellite communications since 1986. It is now quite
clear to me that the next-generation communication satellites (ComSats) will be
solar power satellites (SunSats), and their next big market will be energy. I
recently published a book on this topic: Solar Power Satellites (Springer
For the past five years, I have taught a cross-listed graduate/undergraduate course
entitled “Creative Visualization of Science and Technology,” and my students
(with the guidance of SSPI and NSS professionals) have shared their Space Solar Power designs at International
Space Development Conferences in Chicago, Huntsville, Washington D.C., San Diego, and Los Angeles.
My students and Competition staff met Buzz Aldrin at the 2014 NSS Conference in Los Angeles. ISDC is truly an incredibly opportunity for anyone wanting to get involved with space.
Our Campaign
At the International Space Development Conference in San Diego,
in May 2013, our students launched our forward-looking 2013-2015 International SunSatDesign Competition, a project of the Space Journal in
collaboration with the NSS and the SSPI. The broad purpose of the
Competition is to accelerate the design, manufacture, launch and operation of
next-generation satellites that will collect – or reflect – the sun’s rays in space
and deliver it to Earth as a clean and abundant source of alternative energy.
Another purpose of the Competition is to inspire those with ideas to
collaborate and contribute to space and energy development.
In the Fall of 2013, Ohio University students and staff, working in
collaboration with the Space Journal and the Ohio University Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab, began a formal process of
linking space-based solar power professionals and entrepreneurs with (local and
global) digital media labs that have the capability to do science and
technology visualization. Having a good visualization is an important
first step in advancing and increasing awareness of innovative concepts. The first round was a true success and we are going to
do it again.
The SunSat Design website explains and facilitates the formal registration of design teams expressing an interest in
participating. The website also points to student-generated “creative
visualizations” already being published in Space Journal Issue No. 17. These are intended to serve as models for the upcoming
Competition, including innovative designs such as space mirrors, solar sails,
sun-synchronous orbits, wireless transfer of power, and rectifying (receiving)
antennas. Also noted are such space solar
applications as rural refrigeration of
farm produce, desalination of saltwater, disaster relief, global energy
exchange, and space settlements.
What We Need
We are looking for $110,000 to be used for project management
(OU GRID Lab students and staff for 2014-2015),
startup incentive funds for registrants (competitive teams that have
successfully met the conditions for registration), and for prizes
(to be awarded at ISDC-2015).
will be allocated as follows:
- $40,000 - Prizes
- $20,000 - Startup
incentives for registered teams
- $12,000 -
Travel/lodging awards for finalists
- $2,000 - Finalists'
table at the awards gala
- $1,000 - Physical
rewards for competitors (plaque/trophy/certificate)
- $10,000 - Indiegogo
backer perks
- $10,000 - GRID Lab
management expenses
- $15,000 -
Hotel/travel/per diem (for Competition Staff)
By awarding generous prizes, we hope to attract students and professionals
with a real interest in Space Solar Power, i.e., space scientists teamed with
high-capability digital media labs, wherever they are in the
world. Our top awards will be in the range of $10,000 to $20,000, with runner-up
and honorable mention awards based on the availability of funds.
The 2014 winners, judges, and staff in Los Angeles.
For those teams completing the registration process by January 2015,
the plan is to give each at least a $1,000 startup award, to assist with
funding resources or a workspace. The top-ranked teams completing the judging
process will be given travel awards to ISDC-Toronto (May 2015), where they will
make formal presentations of their work.
The GRID Lab will be assigned $10,000 right away, since this is the
unit that must set up and facilitate registration, monitor team progress, and
over-see the judging process. This team will make use of free online
platforms for inter-team collaboration and posting of high-definition videos,
images, and other media resources. These will also be the means by which the
Ohio University managers will maintain secure communication with space solar
power mentors and digital media producers, and the way final judging can be
done without the need for travel.
Why is this Competition worth the money and effort?
A recent 10-nation "International Assessment of Space Solar Power," conducted by the
International Academy of Astronautics, concluded that the goal of harnessing
sun’s energy in space is both technically and economically feasible. Not only
can this energy be safely beamed to Earth, it has become an environmental
necessity that we do so.
What can we do to help? Since all this depends on science and
engineering, a language spoken by very educated people who have great ideas but
who tend to only talk to each other, you and I can help by putting these
concepts into forms of communication that can be more widely understood,
appreciated, and discussed.
Why digital media? Let’s say someone has an innovative idea for
saltwater desalination using space solar power, but has no way to make this
technically complex and potentially expensive concept understandable and of
interest to those who might most benefit from it. Digital video and animation
augmented with social media are powerful vehicles for telling the “Seawater Desalination via Space Solar Power" story in ways that will capture the attention of the public, the journalistic media, and investment communities.
In the minds of people all over the world, there are literally
hundreds of such ideas relating to new sources of alternative and non-polluting
energy, new methods of efficient power use, and delivery methods to send electrical
power to where it is most needed. The Online Journal of Space Communication is
committed to publishing as many of these creative designs as can be generated
by the Competition, accompanied by credible research and plausible businesses
plans. Each design will be submitted to critical review and delivered to the
public for their discussion and understanding.
These alternative ideas about the future of space and energy can
(and should) be surfaced for consideration. Your financial help with project
management – and especially with the prize money that increases incentives for
competitive team participation – will heighten visibility and help us take a
real step forward.
One of the goals of this Competition is to foster communication
and discussion about energy from space.
Make some noise about this Competition. Help us get the word
out. Share this announcement with your friends, colleagues, parents...
International SunSat Design Competition: Sponsoring the
Visualization of Innovation
Now accepting entries from all nations.
Don Flournoy, Prof. of Telecommunications Editor, Online Journal of Space Communication; Scripps
College of Communication, Ohio Center of Excellence; Ohio University,
Athens Ohio 45701, 740-593-4866
Stretch Goals
With $110,000, we can run an incredible second year of this Competition. But with even more funding, we can accomplish some lofty goals.
$120,000 - ePublication of 2014 and 2015 winners
- $10,000 (over our primary goal) to distribute all winning Competition visualizations as a publication compatible with tablets/e-readers and off-line devices
$140,000 - New website for the Space Journal
- $20,000 to provide for an updated Space Journal website
$200,000 - Science and Technology Conference
- $60,000 to host a conference at Ohio University on the topic of Visualizing Science and Technology, using new media and communication to raise awareness. Space Solar Power will be the illustrative example.
$250,000 - 30-minute Competition Documentary
- $50,000 to create a documentary on the history of the Competition, the Science and Technology Conference, and the current development of Space Solar Power.
$350,000 - 3-episode Expanded Documentary
- $100,000 to not only document the Competition, but to create a documentary that raises awareness of Space Solar Power, and the prospect of civilian contribution to space and energy development.
Additional Visualizations