Intersections: Portraits of Neighborhoods
My name is Lisa Hartouni. I am a photojournalist, community organizer and project director of “Intersections: Portraits of Neighborhoods” a project that began 3 years ago after I moved to Long Beach from Santa Monica. I wanted to show old friends and family around my new neighborhood so during morning walks with my dog I began taking pictures. I set up a web site and received a small grant by ArtRelease to expand the Intersections Project. One of the ways this worked was in classrooms, it has been used to encourage observation and interaction between the student and the subject by using photographs and written statements in the context of class assignments.
The purpose of this fundraising campaign is to raise $6,000 to:
- Provide cameras for two fifth grade classes and one middle school class;
- Hire a web developer to automate the Intersections web site and deploy additional functionality and security for current and future participants (i.e., university class access);
- Printing and exhibitions of work; and
- Miscellaneous administrative costs.
A breakdown of expenses involve:
- $30 per student (Long Beach Public School District): cameras, processing film, printing for final projects. 90 students @ $30 = $2,800
- Code programmer (university class access): $2,000
- Administrative: $1,200
I will try to raise the full amount. If I am unable, I will purchase the cameras and processing first; pay the programmer second; cover administrative expense last.
The Impact
Here is what some people are saying about Intersections.
"I was actually really impressed wth the whole idea of this neighborhood site. I don’t think I have ever seen another site like this where people can show where their from and really let people look into an aspect of their lives.People could honestly spend hours on this site just really getting into everyone’s stories and really seeing how different everyone is and sometimes how similar everyone can be." --Student, CSUN, GWS 300, May 11, 2011
"I was so glad to be able to bring my class to this experience. I look forward to continuing the adventure with my Fall 2012 class! Thanks Lisa!!" -- Marie Cartier, PhD, Professor at CSUN, UC Irvine
"This is a phenomenal project. I remember when you first started talking about this project and thought what a great concept it was. But seeing it starting to grow, and flesh out... I am even more excited. I hope you find a way to fund this. If ever a community project deserved funding, this is it." -- Kimberly Essllinger, Film Maker
"Anything that builds neighborhood and community connection through art is always a good thing!" -- Lynn H. Ballen, Feminist Radio, KPFK
Other Ways You Can Help
There are many ways you can support this project: making a donation through Indieagogo, making a direct contribution of materials or services, and more importantly, you can help by sharing and forwarding this campaign to your friends and colleagues.