This campaign is closed

Introducing R.E.D

This campaign is to help fund the finalisation of R.E.D our Remote Emergency Device. Be part of it and help us make the future safer.

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Introducing R.E.D

Introducing R.E.D

Introducing R.E.D

Introducing R.E.D

Introducing R.E.D

This campaign is to help fund the finalisation of R.E.D our Remote Emergency Device. Be part of it and help us make the future safer.

This campaign is to help fund the finalisation of R.E.D our Remote Emergency Device. Be part of it and help us make the future safer.

This campaign is to help fund the finalisation of R.E.D our Remote Emergency Device. Be part of it and help us make the future safer.

This campaign is to help fund the finalisation of R.E.D our Remote Emergency Device. Be part of it and help us make the future safer.

Robert Ingleby-Parker
Robert Ingleby-Parker
Robert Ingleby-Parker
Robert Ingleby-Parker
1 Campaign |
Washington, United Kingdom
$26 USD $26 USD 3 backers
0% of $25,944 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

My name is Rob and I am the owner of Interlaced Tech. Being a well qualified electronic and computer engineer, with over 13 years experience, I have decided to
put my knowledge of circuitry and computers to good use.

Having trained recently in certain software design disciplines has enabled me to
design and start building this transport safety device but I need your help to
make it become a reality.

I'm a highly motivated individual and passionate about technology. The true focus is the use of new technology to create a better future.

This campaign will help fund my own piece of unique tech to help save lives (and
much more)  in the form of our Remote Emergency Device or R.E.D

You will be able to help me fund the final stages of prototyping, finalising the end
design and safety testing before I look to launch the device on the world

What I Need & What You Get

I have already invested over £2000 in tools, software and hardware for R.E.D but we have a lot of work to do.

To finalise our prototype safety device will cost £8000 and should take no longer than six months to get a fully functional device up and running. This includes finalising patents.

The remaining funds will help to pay for 

£4000 on additional software creation and licensing
£5000 safety testing and certification

I will be looking to match the initial goal in order to pay for my time as will be committing my full attention to the project. The projects requirements mean I will not
have time to stay in full time employment but need to be able to still provide for my family.

Any funds raised will be able to go into the project but will reduce the impact by
stretching the time to complete the prototype.

Please remember that initial production, testing and sales of R.E.D will only be available in the UK to start with. We will however look to rolling out production and sales to other countries later. We expect this to start no later than one year after full production begins.

Please help and choose from one of the three initial perks of Contibutor, Assistant or Trialist. More perks will be added as the campaign gather momentum.

You will be able to choose/change your perk as they are added dependent on funds raised.

The Impact

With more people using the roads everyday there is also an increasing amount of accidents and thefts of vehicles.

In the UK there is a need for change to help reduce thefts and assist with accident

The device proposed in this campaign is aimed at helping with both these

This new device will be able to once installed:

  1. Report an accident of a serious nature to the emergency services 
  2. Provide the location where the accident has occurred
  3. Provide tracking of a stolen vehicle
  4. Remote engine immobiliser.
  5. To be disclosed once patents secured.
  6. To be disclosed once patents secured.

Additional pre order or after market features:

  1. Accident recording (Black Box)
  2. High definition video playback
  3. Mobile WiFi
  4. Media streaming

Taking advantage of new technology the device will contain:

  1. Small form factor micro computer
  2. Integrated GPS transceiver
  3. Integrated mobile communications
  4. Collision detection sensors
  5. To be disclosed once patents secured.
  6. To be disclosed once patents secured.
  7. To be disclosed once patents secured.

The aim is to keep this initial functionality at a consumer cost of approx £100-£150.
Additional functionality is added at extra cost dependent on the consumers

The entire device is small enough to be fitted to any Truck, Car, Motorcycle and even push bike. There are some other unique features that will be implemented into the final prototype and the details of which will be revealed later on.

Apart from push bikes, the device will be integrated into the vehicles engine control
for remote disabling and will be hidden so once fitted it can not be tampered with or disabled by criminals.

Updated information

I would like to add more information with regards to R.E.D and push bikes.

The device has two iterations with one for motorised vehicles and one for
push bikes. The technology for the push bikes is reduced in size and retains
the functionality for accident reporting as well as anti theft tracking

In the unfortunate event that your bike is stolen, you will be able to track
the device anywhere in the world via the applications. We are working
on an new on-board battery that will last at least one month before
needing a recharge.

Stretch Goals


I will be able to start a limited production run of the first 200 R.E.D systems for
wider scale testing and integration. If we reach this stage you will have the chance to choose a perk for £100 to give you one of these first devices and help us with this testing phase.

More stretch goals will be added later as a clear project timeline is in place dependent on how much we can invest.

This will include looking into the Home Emergency System (H.E.S) 

Other Ways You Can Help

Please help my cause any way you can, let your friends and family know, spread the word on social sites and include use of the tools available from Indiegogo such as simply sharing the link.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
A BIG Thank you and vitual HUG for helping me to make life a little safer and better. + a special mention on our contributors page
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Previous perk + a contributors T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $195 USD
£150 GBP
Be one of the first to have R.E.D fully installed and help us test our intergrated Applications for PC and iOS. Only available to residents of the UK.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

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