The continuation of Iron Skies - Awakening, "Recruitment" is a 40 page comic that finds the crew of the Fallen Hope beset by pirates - and too shorthanded to manage their airship. If they want to have any chance of leaving Letka's skyport alive, they will need to find a pilot - but does the backwater town have anyone capable of taking on the challenge?
What We Need & What You Get
Iron Skies #2 has an incredible team putting out some gorgeous work. We've learned quite a bit about shipping and all of the behind the scenes costs and expectations from our first project and are in a much better position to deliver a quality project in a timely manner.
Risks & Challenges
Our only real risks at this point are in not funding. If we can fund, we can ship! I have a much better understanding of the costs associated with producing a comic than I had with issue 1.
Stretch Goals
$10,000 - Cover art done by the incredible Rob Willis!