Story of My Book
It’s Not Right-Left. It’s Top-Down. The Truth About The Media is a book about the mainstream news media in the United States and how its structure of corporate ownership prevents them from being the objective, reputable news sources they claim to be. The book illustrates the problems with this system and how we can fix our news media by making them beholden to us and not just their corporate owners.
My name is Owen Mageau, and I am the author of
It’s Not Right-Left. It’s Top-Down. I wrote this book with hopes that it would help wake people up to the con game being played by the corporately owned mainstream media, as well as the devastating effects this has on our country. Americans are very good at discrediting news as ‘fake news’ if it comes from the other team, while blindly trusting the sources they believe to be on their side. For example, democrats lament Fox News, whereas they are cheerleaders for the hosts at MSNBC. Republicans, on the other hand, hate MSNBC and put their faith in Fox News being honest in their reporting.
This is a serious problem, because the reality is that all of the corporately owned media outlets in our country are not providing an objective, wholesome version of what is going on in our country and around the world. This leads to a polarized public that is constantly fighting amongst each other, based on distorted views of the truth. All the while, it distracts the American people from the real root of their problems: the corporate elite of this country who own the media and shape our country’s politics to benefit them at the expense of the masses.
It is my hope that this book educates people on this issue and helps them understand, not only that they are right to question the media’s objectivity, but why the media behaves the way it does. I also shed light on how we can fix this problem and create a media that is beholden to us, the American people, and not just a select few corporate interests.
In this book, you’ll learn about the mainstream media outlets in our country and their respective ownership chains. You will also learn about how and why this leads to certain perspectives being overly prevalent in the mainstream media, while others are essentially completely shut out of the news. Finally, you will learn how grass roots-funded independent journalism is our ticket out of our current problems, and where you can find this type of objective reporting today.
Throughout the many stories in this book, you will learn how well journalists in the mainstream media are treated and how they have every incentive to do what they are told, rather than report objectively. One story details how mainstream journalists fly first class and have their luggage driven across the country for them. Another story details how journalists sometimes deliberately turn away from the truth, in order to report what their bosses want and move up the ranks.
The book also includes stories about independent media outlets that are trying to compete with the corrupt mainstream media.
You will love this book if you’re someone who is interested in the news media, politics, and/or power in America. This book is interesting and relevant to everyone because of the real effects the media has on your life.
It’s Not Right-Left. It’s Top-Down. is a nonfiction book that speaks to all Americans who have ever wondered if they are actually getting an objective, wholesome version of the story from the mainstream news media in the United States.
The Book - It’s Not Right-Left. It’s Top-Down. The Truth About The Media.
The book has an introduction, conclusion, and four parts sandwiched in between.
The Introduction simply introduces the topic and what the book will be about.
Part 1 consists of Chapter 1 and is titled “A Free Press.” This part outlines how we do in fact have a press that is free from government influence, and how the freedom of the press is guaranteed in the first amendment of the constitution. However, it sets up the framework for the idea that just because a press is free from the government, doesn't necessarily mean it is a free and objective press that serves the people’s best interests.
Part 2 is titled “Corporate Ownership” and consists of chapters 2-5. This part details the origins of the mainstream media, as well as the many mergers and other corporate actions that have led to where we are today. It clearly shows how these outlets are not independent, rather they are small parts of much bigger conglomerates.
Part 3 consists of chapters 6-8 and is really the meat of the book. This section talks about the effects the structure of corporate ownership has on our news and country. There is a chapter on how it impacts what is and isn’t reported, there is a chapter on the filtration system that is in place to shut out certain perspectives, and there is a chapter on the political effects this structure has on our country. This is a very interesting and important section that is driven by many stories of people who have worked at the mainstream media outlets in the United States.
Part 4 talks about how we can fix the problems facing our news media today. This section consists of chapters 9 and 10. In these chapters, I make the case for transitioning from corporately owned media to smaller, grass roots funded, independent media outlets. In addition to making this case, I shed light on some of the alternatives to mainstream media that are already out there, and that you can turn to for truly objective and honest reporting.
Then finally, there is my conclusion, where I sum up the essence of the book.
What I Need & What You'll Get
This book will be published with New Degree Press. I set up the pre-order tiers to help cover the costs for publishing my book. Money raised will go towards the following:
- The editor I will work with to revise and publish my manuscript in April, 2021.
- The cover design of my book. (The mockups you see currently are a placeholder!)
- The layout design for the interior of my book (physical copy, ebook formats).
- The copy editing for my book to polish the grammar and spelling prior to publication.
- The launch & promotion efforts for my book when I ultimately publish this Spring.
When I pre-sell 120 copies of my book, I will publish a paperback and ebook. When I pre-sell 150 copies of my book, I will also publish a hardcover edition. When I pre-sell 200 copies of my book, I will publish a hardcover edition and an audiobook.
I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now:
You will receive a personally signed copy of my book when I publish.
- Your name will appear in the Acknowledgments section of my book.
- You will receive early access to the Introduction and other excerpts from my book, with the opportunity to review them and give me early feedback.
- You will have the opportunity to be involved in selecting my cover and title.
- You will be invited to join my Author Community and get behind-the-scenes sneak peeks into the publishing process.
- And much more!
About the Author
Owen Mageau studied political science and journalism at the University of Minnesota. He is currently working as a tutor, with intents to become a teacher in the near future. Mageau has published writing before as a sports reporter for
The Minnesota Daily, a contributing writer for University Of Minnesota Athletics, and as a writer for the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. He hopes to build on his young writing career as well, with
It’s Not Right-Left. It’s Top-Down. The Truth About The Media., being the first of many books he writes promoting positive change in the United States.
Mageau grew up in Duluth, Minnesota, right next to Lake Superior, where he developed a passion for the outdoors. He loves being on the water, fishing, and going for hikes through the woods. In addition to his passion for the outdoors, Mageau is a sports enthusiast, having grown up playing both hockey and football. He’s a diehard Minnesota sports fan, so the current state of the mainstream news media in the United States isn’t the only thing that disappoints him regularly.
For more information, you can connect with Owen Mageau at, on linkedin at, and twitter at @OMage11.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is delivering the finished book to the backer, specifically my mailing of the book to you. I have eliminated this risk by including the cost of mailing and shipping the signed copies into each pre-order tier.
The risk of delivering the pre-sale copies of my book is contingent on the publisher we use. I will be working closely with New Degree Press to make sure we ship the pre-order rewards to you as early as possible. We will keep all pre-sale backers up-to-date as to when my book will publish. You will know when the copies of my book you pre-ordered are expected to ship.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
Please share my pre-sale campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with your friends, family and network. Please use #ItsNotRightLeftItsTopDown and tag me as well as my publisher, New Degree Press, so that we can help amplify your efforts.
You can easily share my pre-sale campaign via Indiegogo at the top of the page.
Please share my book with 5 friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it via text or direct message on social media.