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IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy (ER Physician) has seen too much unnecessary suffering at the End of Life, and wants it to STOP!


IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

IT'S OK TO DIE... when you're prepared !

Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy (ER Physician) has seen too much unnecessary suffering at the End of Life, and wants it to STOP!

Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy (ER Physician) has seen too much unnecessary suffering at the End of Life, and wants it to STOP!

Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy (ER Physician) has seen too much unnecessary suffering at the End of Life, and wants it to STOP!

Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy (ER Physician) has seen too much unnecessary suffering at the End of Life, and wants it to STOP!

Neil Whiteley-Ross
Neil Whiteley-Ross
Neil Whiteley-Ross
Neil Whiteley-Ross
3 Campaigns |
Carlsbad, United States
$940 USD 7 backers
4% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
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$20 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, AND SEND A HARD COPY TO A HOSPITAL, HOSPICE OR NURSING HOME. Dr. Williams-Murphy, an ER physician, is very concerned about the growing numbers of patients who arrive in the ER unprepared for End-of-Life. Many end up suffering consequences, experiencing horrendous procedures and needless suffering. This happens every day. Dr. Williams-Murphy wrote this book to provide information and solutions, so that future patients and their families can make informed decisions.
Estimated Shipping
September 2012
0 claimed


$40 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU BOTH AN E-BOOK AND A HARD COPY, AND SEND A COPY TO AN INSTITUTION OF YOUR CHOICE (or we can choose for you). With this Perk, you can help a family member, friend or someone you know that will be facing these types of decisions soon by providing them with a copy. As in Perk #1, we will also send a copy to an institution of YOUR CHOICE, such as a Hospital, Hospice, Religious Org. or Assisted Living Facility. If you like, we can even place a card with your name listed as Donor.
Estimated Shipping
September 2012
1 claimed


$100 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, A HARD COPY, AND SEND 5 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS. At this level you will be helping us reach our goal of educating patients and caregivers on how to plan for this difficult end of life time period, as we will be able to send out an additional 5 COPIES of this book to institutions. Again, you can choose where these books are sent with your name listed as donor (if desired).
Estimated Shipping
September 2012
4 claimed


$250 USD
WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK AND AN AUTOGRAPHED COPY, AND ALSO DISTRIBUTE 15 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS. As above, these books can go to the institution of your choice with your name listed as donor (if desired).
Estimated Shipping
September 2012
2 claimed


$400 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, 2 AUTOGRAPHED COPIES, AND WE WILL DISTRIBUTE 25 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS of your choice with your name listed as donor (if desired). At this level you have most likely experienced just how difficult this process can be - and you understand that the only way to navigate through the end of life process is to LEARN WHAT THE OPTIONS ARE.... that you can be in control and make your own decisions... and want to help others learn this.
Estimated Shipping
September 2012
0 claimed


$700 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, 2 AUTOGRAPHED COPIES, AND ALSO DISTRIBUTE 40 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS of your choice with your name listed as donor (if desired). Additionally, we will LIST YOUR NAME AND/ OR LINK OF YOUR ORAGINZATION ON OUR WEBSITE (OKTODIE.COM) as a “Supporter” (if you wish). FINALLY, we are in the middle of writing a second book, and we will also INCLUDE YOUR NAME AS A SUPPORTER IN THAT PRINTING.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
0 claimed


$1,000 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, 2 AUTOGRAPHED COPIES, AND WE WILL DISTRIBUTE 60 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS of your choice with your name listed as donor (if desired). As above, we will list your name or organization on our website and in the next printing as a “Supporter” (if you wish). Finally, for this level of commitment WE WILL ARRANGE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH DR. MONICA... to talk with you about your own experiences, ones that you may be going through, or other subjects around these issues.
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
0 claimed


$5,000 USD
WE WILL SEND YOU AN E-BOOK, 2 AUTOGRAPHED COPIES, AND DISTRIBUTE 300 COPIES TO INSTITUTIONS of your choice, with you listed as donor (if desired). As above, we will list you as a Supporter if you wish. HOWEVER, with this amount we recognize that you may be part of a group or organization, and may want to reach out to members. As such, THESE BOOKS WILL BE PRINTED AS YOUR OWN EDITION... WITH YOUR OWN PERSONAL OR ORGANIZATIONAL STORY/FORWARD IN THE BOOK.
Estimated Shipping
November 2012
0 claimed


$10,000 USD
WE WILL PROVIDE ALL THE PERKS IN NUMBER 8 ABOVE, IN ADDITION DR. MONICA WILL COME TO YOUR LOCATION TO SPEAK (within the US), and will spend time answering questions and signing books if you would like. This book is not just for patients, but is also for caregivers. Dr. MONICA speaks at conferences frequently to educate caregivers and is constantly thanked for showing them how to help families and patients get through this difficult period.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
0 claimed


$20,000 USD
OK TO DIE WILL PROVIDE ALL THE PERKS IN NUMBER 8 ABOVE. HOWEVER, this reward will allow “It’s OK to Die” organization to reach out to those influencing healthcare policy, showing how the author’s solutions can reduce Medicare and Medicaid spending, as well as reduce needless suffering. As such, funds contributed at this level will be spent to deliver books to the 535 Congressmen and Senators, including the President, and meet with the staff of the 20 most influential members of Congress.
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed
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