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It Takes a Village!

Join our village and help Heidi accomplish her goal to adopt a child from Honduras this year.


It Takes a Village!

It Takes a Village!

It Takes a Village!

It Takes a Village!

It Takes a Village!

Join our village and help Heidi accomplish her goal to adopt a child from Honduras this year.

Join our village and help Heidi accomplish her goal to adopt a child from Honduras this year.

Join our village and help Heidi accomplish her goal to adopt a child from Honduras this year.

Join our village and help Heidi accomplish her goal to adopt a child from Honduras this year.

Meredith Dean
Meredith Dean
Meredith Dean
Meredith Dean
1 Campaign |
New York City/Honduras, United States
$15,000 USD 141 backers
100% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Heidi’s Story

You probably know Heidi. If you do, you’ll know that she has chosen to devote her life to the care of others, serving some of New York’s most traumatized and underserved children and youth through drama therapy. You’ll know that she is a loyal friend, always ready to help. You’ll know that she has a big heart with ample space to love a child. You’ll know that she is courageous, smart, passionate, creative and more than well equipped to be a single mom in NYC! 

In winter 2012, Heidi entered into a carefully thought-out process of adopting a child from Honduras. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this part of the world, Honduras is a gorgeous country with an incredible array of natural resources and rich cultural history, from ancient to modern peoples. At the same time, 50% of the Honduran population lives below the poverty line and children become available for adoption in the neediest cases or in cases of abuse/neglect, where reconciliation has failed.

International adoption is lengthy, costly and an emotional rollercoaster for the parent-to-be. When we found out about Heidi’s plans, we decided that this was an adventure she should not have to travel solo. We invite YOU to join US in helping bring this extraordinary mother-to-be and her child together by making a financial contribution that will make a difference.

Your entire donation will go directly to Heidi’s adoption fund, bringing a child from Honduras to a family – and village - of love.

Wait!” you say, “I have some questions!” 

We thought you might. So we asked Heidi to tell us a little more about her decision before requesting your support. 

 Heidi, what made you choose to adopt? 

All my life, I’ve wanted to have children and always thought about the possibility of adoption.  There are so many children out there who need homes and the idea of sharing my home with a child who would not otherwise have a safe place to live feels like an important gift that I can give.

 Why have you chosen Honduras as your adoptive country?

I did my research! Poverty in Honduras has left many families with little choice but to abandon their children on the street or place them in orphanages. The Honduran orphan population is at an all time high. The good news is that the orphanages take good care of these children, assuring that they have the best possible beginning in the most difficult circumstances.  In addition, Honduras is one of a few countries still open to single women adopting and is close enough to NYC geographically for my adopted child to be able to continue a relationship with his or her country of origin.

 How much will the adoption cost? 

  • AGENCY FEES: $9,000  
  • HOME STUDY + Post-placement/Administrative costs: $5,000 HONDURAS PROGRAM FEE: $19,000                       
  • TRAVEL to/in HONDURAS: $8,000                                   

What do you look forward to most about being a mom?

Everything that I anticipate is wonderful about raising a child and everything that I don’t know is ahead of me!!! 

What has been the most surprising/crazy/exciting/anxiety-producing/fun part of the adoption process thus far?

The amount of paper work is no joke and although I was forewarned. I don’t think any adoptive parent could be prepared for what’s involved.  However, I think the most surprising thing is how supportive my community has been. Everybody I know, especially my friends in NYC, are extremely busy and yet they took on this project and this feels like the biggest gift to me ever.

 What do you want to say to all your fans out there?

I am so grateful for everyone’s support of me during this exciting but difficult and emotional process. I can’t wait for you all to be a part of this child’s life – he or she is going to love and need you too!!!

 What do you want to say to your future child?

I am sitting here thinking of you. I don't know anything about you yet. I don't know if you are a boy or a girl or even how old you will be when we meet. I sit here wondering what you will be like, what you will sound like, what your personality will be, what you will like to do. Will you like sports or music? Will you be a writer or a doctor or an actor? Will you be laughing all the time or making others laugh or will you be serious and pensive, contemplating the deep things of life. No matter what, you will be perfect to me.

Your life will a bit different though. You will have two families and be from two countries, which I think will be pretty cool because most kids belong to one. But the best part for me is that I get to be a part of your life in NYC.

All I know is that I want you to live to the fullest potential you have and do anything you want to do. And my greatest desire is to be your mom and walk with you through this world.

I love you so much already, even though I don't know where you are or even if you are born yet. I can’t wait to bring you home and introduce you to your whole family.

Other Ways You Can Help

We understand that money’s tight and that not everyone will be able to make a substantial financial gift but there are other ways you can help.

  • Get the word out to your loved ones, especially people you know who might be moved to help with this campaign
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools! We want to see Heidi’s campaign all over Facebook and other social networking sites

We look forward to celebrating September 10th -- Honduras' Dia del Nino (Children's Day)-- knowing that we have raised the funds needed to bring Heidi's child home. 

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Choose your Perk

Awwwww Factor

$10 USD
Digital photos of the bebé on arrival into Heidi’s arms!
13 claimed

Cool Cutie

$25 USD
Digital photos + photo fridge magnet with a personalized message!
31 claimed

Global Village

$50 USD
Digital photo + fridge magnet + Skype call to meet the baby…oh yes!!!
17 claimed

Keep Me Posted

$100 USD
All of the above + annual updates for the first 2 years
31 claimed

Life Story

$250 USD
All of the above + your favorite children’s book in Heidi’s family library, dedicated to you
4 claimed

Soooo Photogenic

$500 USD
All of the above + a photobook of the baby's first year dedicated especially to you
3 claimed

Hands on Hug

$750 USD
All of the above + handprint made by momma and baby exclusively for you
0 claimed

Family Affair

$1,000 USD
All of the above + your photo on Heidi’s child's "Wall of Gratitude"
1 claimed

Heart on Her Sleeve

$5,000 USD
Your name will be tattooed on Heidi (kidding!)
0 claimed

Life Support

$10,000 USD
Pending possible litigation, your name will be tattooed on the baby (really kidding!!!)
0 claimed
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