Motto: Practical Solutions For Easy Transportation
iTumpang® is an app under development for Singaporeans to travel from one point to another with convenience on a bike with a safe rider with good track record.
It also enables us to understand abit more about riding; to appreciate and analyse what kind of road situations that our bikers are facing daily on the roads.
iTumpang® creates jobs for bikers without any current job or for part-timer who wants to earn the extra cash. It supports the rider’s community in Singapore. A new source of income for riders and the best way for consumers to reach your destination fast and cheapest rate.
This service will help Singaporeans to have an alternative to travel 24/7. Some may call it as “bike-taxi” like how we see and experience at countries like Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam.
Not only iTumpang® will allow you to reach your destination faster, cheaper and stress-free;
Its utmost aim is to promote good road safety, culture & discipline among fellow road users.
iTumpang® works in an app which enables you to book services through your Apple or Android phones apps.
We would love everyone to contribute towards this new project which will definitely ease the transportation issues in Singapore.
iTumpang App Development
Total $10,000.00
List of Items Cost
App Development $7,000.00
Laptop $1,000.00
Portable WIFI Printer $500.00
Office Furniture $2,000.00
iPad $500.00
Rental of Office Space $1,000.00
Thank you everyone for taking your precious time to read and know about this project and thank you for all your love and support. This project won't be possible without your generous donations.
We hope to start making the app by end of sept 2015
Thanks & Regards,
Muhammad Shahir & Joel JJ Singh.