Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
This campaign is closed
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
Help James pass the finish line!
So first we want to thank you all for your contributions to get JAMES moving. It has been a crazy few weeks, but thanks to you all, we have been given the opportunity to capture on film all of our wild ideas! Everyday has been a new adventure with new talent and new landscapes and the film is taking shape!
We have almost gathered all the parts to build this ride, now we are venturing into the next phase of production, POST! We need $11,500 to make sure that all the bells and whistles are working properly: color, sound, mix, special effects, music and promotion! This is the second half of our planned two-part funding process, and we hope that the shots that you have helped create will give you the inspiration to help us take JAMES as far it can go!
We need to doll up the joint! JAMES' look was created by an amazing cinematographer and a wacko director, but it needs a good polish. Although the film is in Black & White, it'll still need a decent color grade to make sure all the shots move fluidly from one scene to the next.
SOUND! We have some ideas for sound design that will add a depth to JAMES that will give it a whole new dimension. This is magic realism after all and sound should never be underestimated!
MUSIC! We have an amazing multi-instrumental recording artist in L.A. poised with itchy trigger fingers waiting to compose a score to JAMES that will be a companion piece whether you're watching the film, or just want to enjoy some great music. It'll be gritty, moody and bumpy as f@#k.
PROMOTION! How far can we get JAMES? What festivals could we show this in? There are so many avenues for sharing our film, in order to make sure we cast a wide enough net, we need the funds for festival submissions.
The response we have received for shining a light on the magic of Vancouver city as a location has been overwhelming. We knew that there was love in these streets, but we never imagined it could run so deep.
There are many directions JAMES could go, but the one thing we can be sure of is this - we will have a film that represents us, the: technicians, writers, designers and you, the backers. This will be OUR film. And it'll always be ours. Anything beyond that, in our opinion, is gravy.
JAMES could end up as nothing more then a pile of dusty hard drives sitting in one of our basements. The challenge now is to make sure we get the final components to support the beautiful photography of Nikita Shevchuck, the hours of lost sleep from producer Casey Klinkeaw, the laundry bill for lead actor Dylan Beatch (he spends a lot of the film knee high in trash), the relentless design, fabrication, set dressing, and brilliant mind of Joe Train our production designer, the incendiary performances from our actors that spark magic in each scene and the blood, sweat and tears this badass crew has brought to the set each and every day. Like Sarah Sterling, who somehow manages to run film gear out of a rental house AND still show up to dial in focus as 1st AC! or Katie Spence, our always cool as a cucumber sound tech, who would climb into an active volcano if it meant getting cleaner sound.
We are blessed with the most punk rock crew in Vancity, and the heart and vibe of JAMES is felt through their uniqueness and love of cinema.