Thank you for visiting our IndieGOGO page! We're a group of independent filmmakers and producers who have joined together to work on this project.
Jane is a feature-length thriller based on a female serial killer.
The story of Jane focuses on a woman who’s broken, her life shattered, her mind scarred by an abusive father ultimately leading to the creation of a brutal serial killer...
Jane’s tale unfolds through her nightmare flashbacks, her murderous conquests, the relationship with her lover, and with the detectives trying to track her down and stop the killing spree.
Her goal is simple, end the pain that torments her by destroying the thing that destroyed her: her father and the memories of him that haunt her imagination. The only way she finds the peace she craves is to seek out men that embody her father’s image and end their lives in the same manner as her father’s ended, at the edge of a knife...
We're working very hard to help build the independent film scene. With breakthroughs in equipment, software, and distribution, now is the perfect time for independent filmmakers and their concepts to be discovered!
Your help would be greatly appreciated in helping us build our budget so we can bring our vision to life and offer a great movie for your entertainment! Your donations will be used for things like costumes, special effects, camera equipment and much more! Even if we don't reach our final goal, the money still goes to absorbing the costs we're putting into this project, this includes everything from our lawyer fees to buying fake blood.
Contributing to a movie like this brings great perks including premiere invitations, autographed merchanside, movie credits, meeting talent, and more! Check the contribution amounts for more specifics.
Lending a hand to independent filmmakers like this provides more opportunities for everyone to enjoy more choices in entertainment! Help us give the major studios a run for their money and give the world more movies!
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Thanks for your consideration, we hope to bring you JANE soon!