Short Summary
Jānis Bukums is a well known Latvian rock singer, and several of his songs have become Latvian rock classics.
Now, Jānis Bukums returns to rock scene with his new project: eponymous "JĀNIS BUKUMS" and new album "Dzīvs un Savādāks" (Alive and Different). The album release event happened on 26th of March 2015 and the album is now available in all physical and digital music stores. Album contains 10 original compositions with Latvian lyrics and original cover version of Radiohead's "Creep".
The album consists of both current impressions as well as memories and life stories of Jānis Bukums, a sort of a résumé. It was and is true rock music: good and alive, honest and powerful. Even after many years of silence true rockers return – alive and different!
What We've Done So Far?
Currently we have recorded album "Dzīvs un Savādāks" (Alive and Different) in Latvian, and shot 2 music videos, one of which is for our original cover version of Radiohead's "Creep". We are working on our second album, preparing for summer tours, and working on English version of album "Alive and Different".
What Is This About?
The goal of this campaign is to record and release "Alive and Different" for international audiences, by recording the songs with English lyrics.
Since "Dzīvs un Savādāks" has been a local success, we feel the necessity to break down the language barrier and convey Jānis Bukums message and life story across international audiences by re-recording "Alive and Different" in English.
We are currently working with experienced English native speaking lyricist to not simply translate songs, but to transform them so that the original message and feeling is preserved, so that you, the listener, may experience it as intended.
The finished album will be released as a separate entity from the original, with unique extras not found in the original album.
Where Your Contribution Goes
This project's expenses are: recording studio expenses, participation of guest artists already present in the Latvian version, rent of gear and studio time, consultant fees, campaign fees and fees associated with registering and distributing the album in digital stores, as well as rights management, which brings the budget to approximately $8000. We have successfully managed to keep our expenses surprisingly low, and so far maximised the investment to return ratio in terms of social reach and popularity.
What You Get
All contributors will receive the finished English version of the album "Alive and Different". Additional perks such as videos and photos from "making of" in the studio will be available with the Digipak perk. We are open to cooperation with those who wish to contribute more, and have done mutually beneficial deals in the past with local beneficiaries (your business or name heavily featured in all media and public events).
The Impact
Completion of this campaign will result in a music album that successfully conveys Jānis Bukums life story to international audiences, and we have barely scratched the surface with this release. We are already working on our second album.
Other Ways You Can Help