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Do you LOVE Beef Jerky as much as I DO?? I WANT you to try the BEST beef jerky EVER as well as some crazy new flavors! BUT, I need your help to get started.







Do you LOVE Beef Jerky as much as I DO?? I WANT you to try the BEST beef jerky EVER as well as some crazy new flavors! BUT, I need your help to get started.

Do you LOVE Beef Jerky as much as I DO?? I WANT you to try the BEST beef jerky EVER as well as some crazy new flavors! BUT, I need your help to get started.

Do you LOVE Beef Jerky as much as I DO?? I WANT you to try the BEST beef jerky EVER as well as some crazy new flavors! BUT, I need your help to get started.

Do you LOVE Beef Jerky as much as I DO?? I WANT you to try the BEST beef jerky EVER as well as some crazy new flavors! BUT, I need your help to get started.

The Jerky Man... Jody Cain
The Jerky Man... Jody Cain
The Jerky Man... Jody Cain
The Jerky Man... Jody Cain
1 Campaign |
United States
$100 USD 3 backers
0% of $425,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

How This Started

      I remember as a child, trying my very first stick of beef jerky. It was a great experience for me then. I absolutely loved it. The flavor, the texture, the saltiness, it was everything that made me save up up my allowance so at the end of the week, I could get some more. It was always a great snack in between meals, on long trips, camping, hunting, etc. What I hadn't realized was, I was addicted to it, and I was fine with that. So I guess you could say that my love for jerky, it started a long long time ago.. LOL

      Now my passion for making the best beef jerky, well, that all started over 11 years ago when a co-worker friend of mine brought in some of his homemade beef jerky and shared it with me. I've always liked beef jerky since I could remember, so to try some of his was perfectly fine by me.

     The flavors and textures of his jerky were good, BUT, the competitive nature side of me knew that I could improve upon them. And so it began. Countless hours in researching meats, spices, cookers, etc..You see, when I challenge myself to do something, I don't do it half way. Its ALL or nothing....So I purchased my 1st dehydrator and I spent many days and nights scratching my head wondering why the top trays were overdone and the middle trays weren't even close to being done. I had 2 main flavors that I was focused on at this time (Hickory & Mesquite). I upgraded my cooking devices numerous times over the years, each one being more proficient than the last, until I finally had one that completed the whole batch, at the same time. Oh what a happy day this was!!! LOL   During this trial period time, I was taking my product to my friends and asking them to try it out. Next thing I know, I was overwhelmed with orders for my jerky. This was an exhilarating feeling.


      I have now been making beef jerky for over 10 years and thought that it's finally time for me to open up a small business doing what it is that I love to do. I talked with my family and friends, and after several great discussions and idea's, with their full support, I started the journey into starting a small business.As I mentioned before, I started out with 2 flavors and now I have 6 main flavors, each with 3 different styles to choose from, which total 18 different varieties . My 6 flavors are, Hickory, Mesquite, Cajun,Teriyaki, Hawaiian & Original. I am constantly creating new flavors and upon their completion, will be offering those as well. This will include different types of meats to choose from also.

The Impact

     What I intend to do is to start a small beef jerky manufacturing facility with a store front, in my home town. This will not only allow me to fulfill my dream, but it will also create jobs for at least 3-5 people to start,  who see my vision as I do and want to be a part of it from the ground floor. Our mission will be to provide the best tasting jerky product's, in a variety of amazing flavors, for everyone to enjoy.


What We Need & What You Get

     Here is the breakdown of my funding needs. For the business that I am getting involved in, certain equipment MUST be NSF certified, which that alone causes the price of the units to increase. But, it is all in the name of a tasty, safe, consumable product. The other equipment needed, though it doesn't need to be NSF certified, it DOES need to be Commercial Grade. The monies donated are going to purchase all of the equipment needed, ingredients, advertising,  as well as other items necessary for running a successful small business. While doing my research, I realized how much was actually needed when starting a new business. I also need to acquire a permanent facility to produce my product in. I have 3 spots that I am considering and within the next month I will have it narrowed down to the one that will fit the needs of the business best.

    Now, In the off chance that the funding goal is not reached, I am still moving forward with my dream. I will just have to go to the bank to get the remaining amount needed. For those who have contributed, please, no worries. All of those who have selected perks, they will ABSOLUTELY be honored. If it wasn't for the help of those individuals, I wouldn't have made it this far. What I'm saying is, that whether or not the goal is reached, (though I pray that it is), I'm moving forward. Regardless.   

    I have created quite a selection of "PERKS" to choose from and I believe that you will find one that fits you, one that says "PICK ME, PICK ME". Which ever one you choose, know that I won't be able to Thank You enough. From the person who donates $5.00 to the person that could fund the whole project, my PERKS and my THANKS are what I have to offer. Every little bit helps.  


What Exclusivity Means To You

     This means that, FREE of Charge, You will receive a 4oz "Sample Pack" of new flavors as they become available/created for the allotted time of the perk. We will be working day and night coming up with new flavors and we want to share them with you, 1st. Rest assured,  there won't be any shortages of new flavors for a long time. Send us your feed back and let us know what you think.


Updated "As it Happens" Reports

     These reports will be sent out Bi-WEEKLY. Most likely on Sunday's. In order to receive these reports, please make sure your e-mail contact information is correct.


Side Note for the "ULTIMATE DONATION"

     Profane language will not be permitted as a name for your creation, anything like this will be automatically defaulted to the donors initials. Also, under the "ULTIMATE DONATION" Perk, upon the creation of your flavor, you understand that JC's Jerky Joint owns the rights to that flavor. It will be your "Creation", and you will get the accolades for that "Creation" as stated in the Perk.


"PERKS" will be started no later than 60 days after project completion of May 1, 2012.


Other Ways You Can Help

Know someone that loves JERKY? Share this project with them. Pass it on. Tell them about ALL of the great PERKS available for them to take advantage of, like you did. Use the SHARE tools provided. And again, I Thank You.....

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Choose your Perk

"A little Something"

$5 USD
You will receive a JC's Jerky Joint HEARTFELT "THANK YOU".
0 claimed

"I Just want To Help Out"

$15 USD
For this donation, you will receive---[a JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"]-----[Updated "As it Happens" reports]---AND---[Your name will be placed on our dedicated "Making a Difference" page on our website as a special "Thank You".]
0 claimed

"Just a Taste"

$25 USD
· You will receive 1-2oz “Sample Pack's” of each of the 2 flavors that started it all off. (Hickory & Mesquite) 4oz total-----JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"-----Updated “As it Happens” reports-----AND----You will have your name placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page on our website as a special Thank You.
2 claimed

“Sampler Pack”

$50 USD
•1-2oz “Sample Pack's” of each of the 6 current flavors that I now have. (Hickory, Mesquite, Original, Cajun, Teriyaki & Hawaiian) 12oz total-----JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU" • Key chain, • Updated “As it Happens” reports, • This also includes your name being placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page on our website as a special Thank You.
1 claimed

The“Certified Angus”

$100 USD
You will receive---[JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"]---[1lb of jerky in any available flavor(s), delivered to you, 1lb a month for 1 month.]---[T-Shirt]---[Key Chain]---[Updated “As it Happens” reports]---AND---[This also includes your name being placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page on our website as a special Thank You.]
0 claimed

The “Select Cut”

$250 USD
You will receive---[JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"]---[2lbs of jerky in any available flavor(s), delivered 1lb a month for 2 months]---[T-Shirt]---[pen]---[Key chain]---Also included...[“As it happens” progress reports]---AND---[Your name being placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page on our website as a special Thank You]
0 claimed

The “Premium Choice”

$500 USD
You will receive---[JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"]--[3lbs of jerky in any available flavor(s), delivered 1lb a month for 3 months]--YOUR CHOICE OF--[Limited Edition Hoodie]--OR-- [Hat]--[T-Shirt]--[Key chain]--[Pen]---Also included with either choice are---[“As it Happens” progress reports]---AND---[Your name being placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page]--[Finally, Exclusivity to all of our new flavors 1st for 6 months]
0 out of 1000 of claimed


$1,000 USD
You will receive--[JC's Jerky Joint Heartfelt "THANK YOU"]--[6lbs of jerky in any available flavor(s), delivered to you, 1lb a month for 6 months]--[SIGNED Limited Edition Hoodie]--[SIGNED L.E. Hat]--[SIGNED L.E. T-Shirt]--[Key chain]--[Pen]--[“As it happens” progress reports]--[$50.00 in “Jerky” Certificates]--AND--[This includes your name being placed on our dedicated “Making a Difference” page]--AND--[Finally, Exclusivity to all of our new flavors 1st for 1 year]
0 out of 500 of claimed


$1,500 USD
This will include the “I WANT IT ALL” donation level, but, in addition to that, you will have you very own flavor for 1 year. Our CreativeMinds Team will work with you on what your tastes are, what you want to see/taste in a jerky flavor and do their very best to make it taste how you envision it tasting. YOU choose from the available meats*, YOU choose the spices, YOU choose the name...Its all about YOU... *
0 out of 250 of claimed
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