Hearing Jerry Garcia play and sing live for the first time, was an experience that I will never forget.
I know that many others have enjoyed the passion and musical magic that Jerry Garcia brought to everything he did in his life. When I discovered the Jerry Garcia Band, in 1987, I was amazed and instantly hooked on the songs that he performed with his band, and the way he performed them. We used to call going to Jerry Garcia Band shows “Jerrys Church” and it really was a church-like experience for many of us. We would get our spiritual fill and guidance from the songs and messages that Jerry brought to us. Back then, we were treated with songs like Sisters and Brothers, The Maker, Throw out the Lifeline and Lucky Old Sun. These songs helped bring a positive, reflective and bonding experience to us all.
In 2010, The Garcia Project was formed and we starting diving in deep to the late 1970’s Jerry Garcia Band shows and found so many more spiritual gems. Songs like Strange Man, Who Was John, Magnificent Sanctuary Band and Ride Mighty High were just a few more of the great spiritual songs that Jerry brought to us.
The Garcia Project, along with some close friends of Jerry Garcia that have performed with him and understand the spiritual side of the music, are working to bring you a loving tribute album of these songs, performed in the way that Jerry arranged them. This special collection of songs and artists is a dream come true for me. This album will be a historical record of the songs, feelings and positive impact that Jerry Garcia introduced to so many of us.
The artists on the SPIRIT album will include Maria Muldaur, members of The Garcia Project and some of Jerry's bandmates and musical friends! Some amazing guest musicians and singers will be featured on this album and we will provide the full roster of artists along with all the songs that will be on the album soon!
Maria Muldaur will be singing on the album, and will also be the producer. She was an official member of The Jerry Garcia Band in 1978. She toured and performed with Jerry on the famous "Cats Under The Stars" tour and was on the Cats Under The Stars album as well. Maria has a great love for the music played by Jerry Garcia and for inspirational and spiritual music as well. Maria has produced a gospel album, “Walk by Faith - The gospel according to Maria Muldaur” along with many other grammy-nominated albums.
Mik Bondy is a founding member of the Garcia Project, a nationally touring tribute band that performs classic Jerry Garcia Band set lists from 1976 - 1995. Mik has been gifted with two Jerry Garcia replica guitars and has spent years building a replica guitar "rig". He will add his extraordinary guitar tone and feel, as well as his soulful vocals. The Garcia Project band will provide the instrumentation for this tribute to Jerry Garcia's wonderful arrangements of these beautiful gospel, spiritual and inspirational songs.
Kat Walkerson is a founding member of the Garcia Project, a nationally touring tribute band that performs classic Jerry Garcia Band set lists from 1976 - 1995. Kat Walkerson is an accomplished and beloved vocalist amongst Jerry Garcia’s fans, and will be adding her soulful and unique vocal stylings to the album.
Some special Perks for folks that preorder the album!
This album will be recorded in the Bay Area of California and will be produced by Maria Muldaur. We are going to start recording in June and will release the final album by September 28, 2019. We are all working for the greater good for this album and we all believe this to be a very loving tribute to the music and inspirational spirit that Jerry Garcia projected. We do have some fun rewards for anyone that preorders the Spirit album. Please take a look at the rewards listed and thank you for your consideration towards helping us to produce this recording.
The Impact
Working on this album has been a dream of mine for many years. These songs, along with Jerry Garcia’s interpretations, really move me. And, working with these legendary artists is a dream come true. I have so much respect for these great artists and so happy that they believe in this project. I am thrilled that this unique and special recording will live on for all to hear.
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