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Hello! My name is John Hammer. Thank you so much for checking out my Indiegogo Site for this fundraising effort of my new book.
I am husband to the amazing Grace and Dad to 4 amazing children, Hailey, Emma, Justus and Addison. I reside in Everett, WA and am blessed to be a pastor at Sonrise Christian Center ( I work with a passionate group of young adults and am the director or our school of ministry ( I also really enjoy creativity expressed through poetry, spoken word and writing. I have a blog at
I grew up in an awesome family but around middle school I was exposed to pornography. I ended up in a downward spiral of sexual addiction that controlled my life until I was 20. Right before I turned 21, Jesus Christ's power became very real to me and my entire life was changed by the grace of God. The sin of pornography lost it's place in my life. I then started a journey of replacing old habits, developing a renewed mind and finding out about who I was in Christ.
For over 12 years I have been sharing my story and helping people that are bound in pornography. This is an epidemic! This is affecting children, youth, men, women, families, marriages, churches, pastors and schools. Pornography is a sexual experiment that started bad and has left millions damaged in it's wake of destruction. I am convinced by the Scriptures that Jesus offers hope and healing to those that are bound. In this process of telling my story and preaching messages of freedom, many have come asking for help and advice. I often wished I had more time to tell people what I had learned through experience and mostly through the truth of Jesus as revealed in the Bible so that they could walk in freedom. This turned into a desire to write a book that would tell my story, share Scripture truth on sexuality and freedom, and ultimately bring people into freedom in Christ.
I have finished the first draft of my manuscript and have a contract that I am waiting to sign with a great publisher. If you help me fund this project I would be so grateful. I cannot do this without you. I feel such an urgency to finish this project and release my book that those who have been bound and damaged by pornography can experience hope and freedom.
What I Need & What You Get
I need to raise $8,000 to pay for the first printing of my book. This will include professional editing, cover design, pagination and lay out, as well as 1,000 copies of my book. Plus my book will be formatted for many different E-Book distribution channels.
All of the money that I raise will go to what I have stated above as well as helping pay for this fundraiser project and the completion of my perks. Should I raise the full amount of my goal, I am planning to sign the contract I have received from the great team at eGenCo publishing
If I raise more than my goal, I will be able to purchase more copies of my book and/or pay for marketing my book and getting the word out to more people.
I have several perks here to thank you for your generous support that go anywhere from copies of my e-book, print book or do some creative writing in spoken word for you. Check out the perks!! You also have the option of donating and passing on the perks if you would like.
If I was to not reach my goal, the partial funds will still be used to get my book printed. I have had other offers and routes to go as well and would attempt work with my intended publisher should this situation arise. Anyway it goes, I will get this book published and fulfill my perks that I have promised (perks will be fulfilled after the money is raised, the contract is sign and the book is published).
The Impact
I am believing that this book will impact young people, secret sinners, parents, educators, pastors and families. I believe people that never had hope before will have hope. I want to shout from the rooftops what is possible through the hope and freedom that we have in Jesus Christ! This book is full of what God has promised and because it is His Word in theprinciples that I set forth, I believe this can change the destiny of families. This book contains the Gospel and I believe that people will be introduced to a relationship with Jesus as they read it. If you help me fund this, you will help people be restored as they learn about the sex industry, God's plan for sex, the Gospel, forgiveness, healing of their hearts, freedom from dark powers, and how to be full of the Holy Spirit.
Ways You Can Help
1. Pray for me that I reach my goal and that this book gets before the people that need to hear the message of this book and experience the freedom that's in Jesus Christ.
2. Share! Share! Share! Please share this page via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and more. You can use the social media links from here. If you are a blogger or vlogger, I would love to have you write a story about this or please feel free to contact me about an interview. The more we get the word out the better!
3. Please prayerfully consider donating today.
Thank you!!!
Looking for more information?Check the project
I will put your name on a thank you list in my book.
0 claimed
The E-Book
$10 USD
I will put your name on a thank you list in my book and give you a link to download an early release copy of my E-Book.
1 claimed
The Paperback
$15 USD
I will put your name on a thank you list in the book and send you an early release copy of my paperback book.
10 claimed
The E-Book and Paperback Book
$25 USD
I will put your name on a thank you list in the book and send you and give you a link to download an early release copy of my E-Book. As well as send you an early release signed copy of my paperback.
5 claimed
The Books Plus
$50 USD
I will give you everything in "The E-Book and Paperback Book" perk as well as include a personal letter of thank you and blessing with the signed copy of the paperback.
10 claimed
The Books Plus Party
$100 USD
I will give your everything in "The Books Plus" perk as well as invite you over to an open house dinner party to celebrate the completion of my book and you for your generosity. Date of party TBD. (You must provide your own transportation to and from the party and be available on the date we select. If you cannot make the party, you will still receive your books).
9 out of 80 of claimed
The Small Group
$125 USD
This perk is great for small groups, youth groups, men's or women's groups, etc. I will send you 10 early release copies of my book for you to use with people in your small group or whoever you want to distribute them to.
3 claimed
Write a Spoken Word for You
$250 USD
I will give you everything in "The Books Plus Party" Perk as well as write you your very own poem or spoke word piece for you, your family, ministry, your business or organization. We must agree on a topic (to not violate my personal ethics) and I will write it within 6 months of us completing the project.
4 out of 10 of claimed
Write and Perform
$1,000 USD
I will give you everything in "Write a Spoken Word for You" Perk. I will perform it at an event you choose. I will even record this on video/audio for you to use how you want. We must agree on the topic/direction to not violate my personal ethics. This will be completed within 1 year of funding and includes my creativity and time. You must pay for travel/ expenses outside of 50 miles from Everett, WA. You must also pay any expenses if you want it recorded/edited for audio/video.