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Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, AND I am a Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Campaign.

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Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

Join La Mission: Sophisticated Booty Call 2012

While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, AND I am a Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Campaign.

While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, AND I am a Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Campaign.

While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, AND I am a Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Campaign.

While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, AND I am a Fractured Atlas Fiscally Sponsored Campaign.

La Mission
La Mission
La Mission
La Mission
1 Campaign |
Berlin, Germany
$1,144 USD 23 backers
14% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Choose your Perk

The Cool Dude/Dudette

$5 USD
We will mention you in conversation. With important people. In a positive light. This is the way to donate a small amount and actually receive our love without expecting anything of physical value. The most altruistic of donations (aside from the high value ones).
Estimated Shipping
October 2012
1 claimed

The Mail/The Punk/The Disciple

$7 USD
Join La Mission Digital Theme Song Download plus a postcard AND either a patch OR a cult membership card sent from US to YOU!
2 out of 150 of claimed

The Disappointment

$17 USD
One full EP package (digital only) (i.e. No physical product) OR the physical, actual, sweet vinyl record, but without cool accoutrements. Please get the full version instead!
6 out of 80 of claimed

The Goods

$33 USD
Get one full EP package including membership card, mini-magazine, koolaid, patch + performance ticket OR tickets to all 3 performances in Berlin.
5 out of 200 of claimed

The Culture Lover

$72 USD
A Ltd. Edition silkscreen poster and A Private Listening Party with L.M. (IN BERLIN ONLY!)
0 out of 25 of claimed

The Culture Lover

$72 USD
A Ltd. Edition performance photo and An Evening at the Theater with L.M. (IN BERLIN ONLY!)
1 out of 25 of claimed

The Shebang

$99 USD
Get all 3 of the first 5 EPs AND all accompanying detritus AND admission to all 3 performances.
3 out of 50 of claimed

The Shebang

$99 USD
Get into 5 Beaner DJ gigs and use all his drink tickets!!!! (IN BERLIN ONLY!)
1 out of 5 of claimed

The Personal

$250 USD
All the aforementioned physical/digital goods plus: EITHER a personalized meditation/recruitment video OR a date with one third of La Mission (because you obviously have the hots for one of us more than the other two. In BERLIN or via internet!)
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Historical

$500 USD
All the actual stuff PLUS: A personal live musical and theater/dance performance by L.M. Note: Beaner has not played live publicly for over 4 years, and its time to get back on the funk train. Mandie has never done a solo piece. Ever. Witness double history bitchez. OR we will give you a stick-n-poke or a janky gun tattoo (travel not included) OR go on a date with all of L.M. (IN BERLIN or via internet!)
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Family Member/Moneybags

$1,000 USD
You receive all goods produced by La Mission over our year long project (5 EP/tract/performance/posters/photos/videos/&c). We will also set up live video feeds for anything you cannot personally attend. We will also give you secret stuff that no one else is allowed to have. But it is a secret, so we can't say what it is.
0 out of 5 of claimed

The Almost Everything

$5,000 USD
Become a permanent and everlasting part of La Mission. We will add another EP & performance to our release schedule. The thematic content will include YOU. PLUS you get all physical booty and performace tix.
0 out of 5 of claimed
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