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Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Help fund a civil rights movement engaging worldwide communities in dialogue and action for One Whole, One Family, One Humanity, One Team - "Humanitys Team"


Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Join us in Awakening the world to Oneness!

Help fund a civil rights movement engaging worldwide communities in dialogue and action for One Whole, One Family, One Humanity, One Team - "Humanitys Team"

Help fund a civil rights movement engaging worldwide communities in dialogue and action for One Whole, One Family, One Humanity, One Team - "Humanitys Team"

Help fund a civil rights movement engaging worldwide communities in dialogue and action for One Whole, One Family, One Humanity, One Team - "Humanitys Team"

Help fund a civil rights movement engaging worldwide communities in dialogue and action for One Whole, One Family, One Humanity, One Team - "Humanitys Team"

Shalini Ajoodha
Shalini Ajoodha
Shalini Ajoodha
Shalini Ajoodha
1 Campaign |
Boulder, United States
$6,000 USD 86 backers
100% of $6,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement dedicated to promoting the understanding and application of Oneness for the purpose of advancing a mature and compassionate global humanity. With members in over one hundred and fifty countries, Humanity’s Team (HT) - a top rated non-profit organisation undertakes its mission by developing awareness-building campaigns, educational events, transformational programs and community and global outreach. Humanity's Team is a tax-exempt organization in the United States under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax ID: 86-1088741. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The volunteer spirit…

We’re volunteers with HT as we see the dialogue on Oneness as an important opportunity for us as one human family, which values human life, to acknowledge that our governments and political frameworks do not have all the answers. We encourage religious communities to probe deeper into how Oneness utilizes faith positively and to encourage each person to be kinder, gentler, more giving and generous to their neighbours.  We are a community of global volunteers because we passionately believe in encouraging a sense of responsibility so deep and profound that it shifts and lifts all pockets of humanity to a better place of being together and that Oneness is the one missing piece in a complex jigsaw that will provide sustainable peace.

Global Oneness Day – growing multifold and making a difference

In 2010 HT held an audience with the United Nations to endorse formal recognition of a “Global Oneness Day” (G1D) to which they were invited to lead and build the infrastructure, framework and support. G1D emulates partnership between individuals, politicians and organisations to work at scale increasing knowledge and awareness of what it means to live in Oneness. The first event saw 1,000 people participate in recognizing humanity’s most innate natural relationship and 2012 only its 3rd year witnessed an exponential growth to over 25,000.  In 2013 registrations increased to over 40,000 and total participation in Global Oneness Day jumped to over 100,000 since the inaugural year in 2010.

What We Need & What You Get

For the last decade the success of Humanitys Team (HT) has been built by its members, all of whom are dedicated volunteers who participate in building a better world for current and future generations.  HT volunteers work unpaid daily to stay engaged and committed to thousands of people worldwide (our monthly estimate of volunteer contributions is equivalent to the monetary amount of $1,000,000) and we run more than fifty global projects worldwide.  Interest in our global good works on the ground to those in need of service and our focus on Oneness, has grown to attract over 100,000 with supporters in over 150 countries.

As HT grows to a more prominent place of activity and influence we are seriously in need of funding for efficient technical infrastructure, professional marketing campaigns, and the quintessential basic yet incredibly necessary resources to keep going from strength to strength. Your funding directly:

1) Helps us sustain fast growing functions of Humanity’s Team such as educational outreach, creating personal tools for development, coordination between country and global level programs and building knowledge within communities.

2) Supports volunteers to continue local outreach activities and run on the ground Oneness projects. Regular projects include HT sponsored food drives, disaster recovery to support leaders who have lost everything, humanitarian projects including distributing blankets and funds to the poor, environmental projects, global meditations and more.

3) Build the fifth Global Oneness Day on Friday 24th October 2014 and helps us spread the word about what we are doing and how it makes a difference.  We’ve cumulatively reached 100,000 people since the launch of Global Oneness Day in 2010.  Help us stretch to 100,000 new registrants in 2014.

4) Supports the evolution of a Oneness Digital Campaign to help us expand and deliver messages of Oneness to religious and faith institutions, local politicians, organizations, communities and individuals.

Other Ways You Can Help

We need all the help you can offer, HT is a decisive movement which acts, influences and shapes the face of the planet. If you are unable to financially contribute here are a few examples of how we will value your help:

- Commit your name to the Oneness Declaration and help us reach our target of 100,000 names. The declaration is super important in having a Global Oneness Day recognised in all calendars of the world - adding your name is a step toward turning this dream into a reality: 

- Share the above Oneness Declaration with at least five other people and networks; ask them to help spread the word about this different and important initiative.

- Say hi here on our Indiegogo dashboard and let us know you support our work; we’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to be involved with HT as a volunteer just say the word!

- As a grassroots movement our volunteers are working hard to get us heard.  Join our energy by liking and connecting with us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, sign up our newsletters, join us on our calls, use the Indiegogo tools for sharing our work, participate with us on Global Oneness Day (oh yes, we’d really love you too!)– there is so much you can do!

Lastly, we are super truly grateful for your contribution and hope you will enjoy all the fantastic perks on offer. Thank YOU so much!

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Choose your Perk

One World

$11 USD
An out-pour of bouncing hearts and oceans of love are heading your way.
17 claimed


$31 USD
You'll receive our One World perk PLUS a personal email from Humanity's Team thanking you for your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
14 claimed

One Huge Hug!

$111 USD
You'll receive all the benefits from our Gratitude perk PLUS a signed photo from all of us at Humanity's Team.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
4 claimed

One Love En Masse

$211 USD
You'll receive everything from our One Huge Hug perk PLUS a special shout-out to you via our Facebook pages & Twitter Feeds.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
4 claimed

Precious Moments

$311 USD
You'll be receiving everything from our One Love En Masse perk PLUS receive a very special picture of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Humanity's Team who received Humanity's Team Spiritual Leadership Award in South Africa. This picture represents a thousand words of Oneness.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
1 claimed

One Big Bang - FREE RETREAT!

$450 USD
This incredible PERK gives you FREE** access to a retreat with Neale Donald Walsch in his home state of Oregon. As a special thank you to you we are throwing in a bonus dinner with Neale AND we will be adding your credentials to our Global Oneness Day website! **NB - flights, meals and accommodation not included
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed
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