Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
Crew of students raising funds for their short film
We are a group of students that are trying to make a short film for our class. This film is important to us is topical with what is going in the world currently. Anything you can donate to our project will be greatly appreciated will help us to make the best film possible!
This film is topical with the current state of our country right now, dealing with issues such as:
The ultimate way you can help is by donating of course, but we know not everyone can spare this expense so just sharing this campaign to other people and spreading the word is the next best way you can help us! Getting as much eyes and attention on our project is what we need aside from reaching our monetary goal!