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Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Epilepsy has robbed Josh of two years, please help him (and others with epilepsy) get it back

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Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Josh Just Wants to Be a Kid

Epilepsy has robbed Josh of two years, please help him (and others with epilepsy) get it back

Epilepsy has robbed Josh of two years, please help him (and others with epilepsy) get it back

Epilepsy has robbed Josh of two years, please help him (and others with epilepsy) get it back

Epilepsy has robbed Josh of two years, please help him (and others with epilepsy) get it back

Steven Grunwald
Steven Grunwald
Steven Grunwald
Steven Grunwald
1 Campaign |
Sheboygan, United States
$10,443 USD 122 backers
7% of $132,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Joshua is a wonderful young man with a huge heart who just wants to be a kid like everyone else.

Two-and-a-half years ago Josh started getting migraines which became more frequent and severe over the next 6 months.  Then he started to have minor seizures which led us to an MRI and the discovery of three lesions in the left hemisphere of his brain and the diagnosis: intractable Epilepsy.

We have tried various combinations of anti-seizure medications with some success controlling his seizures, but with considerable side effects.  Some are manageable (appetite, behavioral, weight gain), but others have become debilitating.  Josh developed issues with his eyesight (convergence insufficiency and poor accommodation), his fine motor control (nearly illegible handwriting), and lost a lot of his physical coordination.  In addition, he developed dysnomia (the inability to recall words), memory issues, and has lost nearly all of his ability to read.  He also experienced a severe drug rash that sent him to the ER.

It has become extremely difficult for him to concentrate in class, preventing him from keeping up with daily instruction.  The end result is an extremely frustrated little boy who, at the end of each day is so exhausted that he typically just wants to sleep.  Between this, his medical appointments, and the ongoing severe migraines; Josh frequently misses 1-2 days of school a week.

In the past 2 years, Josh has had (3) MRIs, (6) EEGs, (4) trips to the ER, (4) EKGs, (2) extended hospital stays, full cognitive and behavioral analysis, and countless doctor appointments and blood draws.  He has been as brave and cooperative as can be expected throughout the entire process.  It truly breaks our heart every time we have to tell him it's time for another procedure.

To make school and life easier on Josh, we're attempting a variety of therapy and private tutoring sessions requiring us to travel hundreds of miles a month and take considerable time off work.  We've been working with his school to make accommodations, but concentrating is so hard for him and he is so far behind that at the current pace it is likely to take years to catch up with his classmates, if it all.  In addition to controlling his seizures, Josh needs intensive therapy and tutoring to get past these obstacles and get back to being a normal little boy who loves soccer, building forts, swimming, and building Legos.

As hard as this all has been on our family, it has been compounded by major medical issues with other family members.  Our daughter, Natalie, broke both bones in her lower leg and spent 12 weeks in a full leg cast and wheelchair.

Our oldest son, Jacob, sustained a massive concussion that required him to do therapy (3 times a week), an hour's drive from our home and miss almost 50 days of school.

Lastly, my wife Anna, just got home from a 10 day hospital stay receiving treatment for (4) herniated discs in her lower back.  The road to recovery will be very long.  She is looking at 1 to 2 weeks of bed rest before she can even begin in-home physical therapy.  She will then need extensive outpatient physical therapy to regain her full strength and function and could miss months of work.  I've been forced to take an unpaid leave of absence from work to provide the care she needs to recover.

During these trials, our family has been blessed by the thoughtful nature of our families, friends, church community, and coworkers as we've fought our way through these medical maladies and the repurcussions resulting from them.  Despite their help, we have reached a breaking point, both mentally and financially.  The stress has been nearly unbearable at times.  Although we are both gainfully employed, we've had to take on an exorbitant amount of debt to keep up with the medical bills, and all the indirect costs (thousands of miles of driving, unpaid weeks at work, anti-seizure medications, etc.) associated with his condition.  We feel very strongly that if Anna (Josh's mom) is able to leave her job, she can recover more quickly from her current condition, give Josh the dedicated time (intensive tutoring, therapy, dr. appts., etc.) he needs, and ultimately help the greater Epilepsy cause.

We're experiencing the devastating effects of Epilepsy firsthand and feel strongly for the millions of others living with seizure disorders every day.  We want to be able to do something about it, but don't currently have the means.

The path forward is simple enough. If we can pay off enough accrued medical care debt then we'll be able to accelerate his therapy/tutoring on my salary.  The much harder part is finding the courage to set up this campaign as I have never found it easy to say "I can't" or ask for help.  Also, finding enough kind-hearted individuals willing to help.  In addition to contributing to Indiegogo campaigns in the past, I'm continually astounded by the stories and generosity of this community to other's needs (ie. the $700K+ for the bullied bus monitor).  I'm hoping there is just a little more generosity left to help us out.  IndieGogo literally has made dreams come true, I'm honored just to be a part of it.

For phase 1, we are hoping to raise $132,000 to pay down some of the debt we've accrued for this medical care.  This will allow our family to get by on my salary and still maintain Josh's current therapy/tutoring.  The funds will directly pay off the 5 loans we took out to keep up with hospital bills, therapy sessions, and prescription costs.  For phase 2, if we are so very fortunate to raise more than our goal, we can start giving back to the community.  Any additional funds will be split between the Epilepsy Foundation of America (EFA) and the Wisconsin branch of the EFA.  We are hoping to start a Sheboygan chapter of the Wisconsin branch.  A local resource will help educate families dealing with this disorder on: seizures in general, the medications, side effects, as well as provide a directory of local resources.  It would also help educate schools and caregivers on how to accommodate care and educational practices for these children. 

Please consider contributing to our campaign as we hope to be able to return the favor some day and make life a little better for those living with this disorder.  If you can't contribute, spread the word, we really appreciate that too.

Words simply  cannot express our gratitude, but we'll try anyway.

A thousand thank yous.

This is the t-shirt with the custom Epilepsy awareness logo that my wife had designed.  The shirt is of very high quality and wears well.

"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."  M.L.

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Choose your Perk

I'll buy that for a dollar

$1 USD
Contribute $1 and you have our permission to feel great for 5 minutes today as every little bit counts
1 claimed

Skip the Starbucks

$5 USD
Contribute $5 and you get to feel good ALL DAY because you helped a little boy get back to little boy stuff
8 claimed

Eat in tonight, will ya

$25 USD
Contribute $25 and you'll get a shoutout in our campaign update email and a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach for an entire week.
14 claimed

Tollbooth Willy

$125 USD
Contribute $125 and you'll receive a "I helped a kid be a kid" t-shirt. the custom design we created is shown in the attached photo.
12 out of 500 of claimed

. . . and a bag of chips

$250 USD
Contribute $250 and you'll receive a "I helped a kid be a kid" t-shirt as well as Josh gets to work on his handwriting by writing your name on our basement wall. Yes, we're actually giving a 7 year old a sharpie and telling him to write on the wall.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
2 out of 250 of claimed

The family size bag of chips

$500 USD
Contribute $500 and you'll receive not 1 but 2 "I helped a kid be a kid" t-shirts. You also get capital letters on our wall of fame.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
1 out of 150 of claimed

A not so secret admirer

$1,000 USD
Contribute $1000 and you'll receive a video of Josh thanking you in his ever charismatic way as well as the aforementioned shirt
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

Certificate of Authenticity

$2,500 USD
Contribute $2500 and Josh will sign your "not quite free" tshirt and we'll send you a picture of him doing it. Just think, when he becomes a crazy famous (INSERT CAREER CHOICE HERE" someday, it will be worth a ton.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed

You're the bestest ever

$5,000 USD
Contribute $5000 and we'll send you a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork handpainted by none other than 7 year old Josh himself. He'll sign it and we'll send you the video of him having fun creating it.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed
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