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The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
JUISIR is an innovative cold press juicer requiring no cleaning. 8 tons of force will squeeze every drop of your chosen juice recipe.
How many new diets have you started but never stuck to? How many times have you declared you will eat healthier but still find yourself snacking on those cookies late at night? Truth is, most of us struggle to follow through on what we know is good for us. So, we asked ourselves, ‘Why are healthy habits so hard to form?’
We’ve studied the science of habits. It turns out, you don’t need to work on a hundred different things to be healthy. You just need to start with one habit, a keystone habit! Drinking fresh juice is the easiest form of healthy living.
The problem with juicing is that it’s way too much work!!! Drinking is easy, but the cleaning that comes after is a nightmare!! This is why we created JUISIR, the innovative juicing machine that does not require any cleaning.
In order to make JUISIR cheaper to the mass market and make healthy living accessible to everyone, please back us!!! Join the juicer revolution and be one of JUISIR’s first users.
JUISIR is an innovativecold press juicer that extracts juice from fresh fruit and vegetables through a press with about eight-tons of force (approximately equal to the size of two adult elephants) in only 90 seconds. It’s powerful, fast, and effortless—with no cleaning required.
The Juicing bag
JUISIR offers two types of juicing bags - single use or multiple use,which are made from either biodegradable or recyclable materials. You can simply recycle or reuse the juicing bag - it's entirely up to you. DIY your juice packs and vary your juice recipes to different preferences and health needs.
Chop fruit and vegetables into pieces roughly the size of a dollar coin for maximum yield. Put about 300g-350g (0.7lb-0.8lb) raw products per bag, you can get approximate 200-250ml (6.8oz-8.5oz) juice.
The Juice
JUISIR exerts about 8 tons of force so that the fruit is squashed to a paper-like thinness and virtually every drop of nutritious juice is captured in the glass.
The Machine
How does JUISIR produce approximately 8 tons of force?
Our engineers have ingeniously utilized the patent-pending leverage principle to create torsion and hence produce a juicer that can exert up to 8 tons of force.
Why does JUISIR require no cleaning?
JUISIR works with our uniquely designed juicing bags which completely separate fruit and vegetables from the machine, meaning JUISIR itself never needs to be cleaned.
The Juicing Bag
How do I buy the juicing bags after the Indiegogo campaign?
You will be able to find JUISIR on Amazon soon and we offer worldwide shipping at low cost. The cost-per-use can keep as low as 0.2 USD. In order to reduce the delivery cost and make juicing bags cheaper, we are looking for qualified local manufacturers of our juicing bags from all over the world.
The Machine
What are cold press juicers?
Unlike traditional juicers such as centrifugal juicers, cold press juicers press fruit and vegetables using large amounts of force to produce a higher juice yield than traditional juices. The cold-pressing technique allows juice drinkers to enjoy maximum nutrition (especially maintain more than 50% enzymes in the cold-pressed juice) from fruits and vegetables as there is no heat produced during the juicing process.
Comparing JUISIR with other types of juicers
Further Comparing JUISIR with other cold press juicers
The Juice
Why juice?
Pure fresh fruit and vegetable juice contains vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It is the easiest and most effective way to supplement nutrients and boost your energy.
Why Cold-Pressed juice?
There are minimal air contact and heat produced during the cold press juice process which helps reduce the oxidation and decomposition of nutrients. This, therefore, allows juice drinkers to enjoy maximum nutrition (especially maintain more than 50% enzymes in the cold-pressed juice) from fruit and vegetables. Cold-pressed juice also delivers a better taste and texture as there is no pulpy residues or bubbles left.
Mystery of fiber
Fiber comes in two varieties, both are beneficial to health:
Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help lower glucose levels as well as help lower blood cholesterol.
Insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation. There are sufficient soluble fibers in the fresh juice. If you are seeking to supplement nutrition for optimum health and boost your energy, drinking juice is the easiest and best solution.
Balanced Diet
Include more vegetables and low sugar fruits in your juice recipes for optimal health. Also, pay attention to the daily intake. Choose MyPlate - the official dietary guideline in the USA, recommends an adult male has maximum 16 ounces (about 450ml) fresh juice every day.
Recommended Juice Recipe
Save Water
Do you know how many liters of water is used each time you clean a juicer? It accounts for around 200 liters (52.83 US gallons) of water for a 20-minute cleaning! Here at JUISIR, as the machine requires no cleaning after each use, you are not only saving yourself time and effort but you’re also helping to save water and look after the environment.
Eco-friendly materials
The inner bags of both single-use and multiple-use juicing bags are made from 100% natural cotton, which are biodegradable and renewable. Cotton, especially 100% cotton can biodegrade within as little as a week to average 5 months. The outside sections of the bags are recyclable too. We are finding professional bodies for recovery of the outer bags worldwide.
As the first tabletop cold press juicer that requires no cleaning and provides juicing bags that allows you to DIY juice packs, JUISIR has several patents pending.
Video 1: Juisir with Pomegranate
Weight: 300g Juice: 236g Juice yield: 79%
Please wait, we have more videos coming soon...
When this campaign is finished, we will send out a Reward Survey by email to ask for your mailing address and the JUISIR color you love. Based on the voting result, all backers might receive a big surprise in the future. Once you receive the email from us, you will have a few days to order and adjust the type. For those who have already pledged juicing bags sets, we have made notes for you and will double check with you through Reward Survey, so no worry for that.
Stretch Goals
We brought JUISIR to attend CES 2017 in Las Vegas and successfully released JUISIR to the public.
Let's see what the global buyers are saying in CES 2017
Our team comes from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Our company was founded in 2012 and based in Shanghai, and has already successfully launched our first healthy drink product in the Chinese market and secured investment from well-known VC firms. Using our wealth of experience, excellent reputation and passion for delivering health drinks in the pursuit of healthy living, JUISIR was born and now we are ready to bring JUISIR to the world.
International shipping is included in the price, so you do not need to pay extra fees for shipping and delivery.
JUISIR developed strategic partnership with OPTIMUM and FROOTHIE.
Optimum, the leading brand of juicing machines globally. With JUISIR, Optimum will take its obsession for cold press juicing and health products to a completely new level.
Froothie International, Optimum’s global partner and a leading brand in the sale of health and wellness products will be distributing and servicing two years warranty for JUISIR customers in Europe (excluding Russia), UK, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Latin America.
We are looking for partners in the rest of regions and promise to provide at least one year warranty. We are devoting to extend our warranty in the near future.
We are aiming to build a global network of distributors, fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers, manufacturers of juicing bags, professional bodies for recycling of plastics and silicon products and technical support teams to provide better service and make JUISIR accessible to everyone.
If you are interested in JUISIR and would like to become our partner, Please email us ( for further information.
How to DIY my juice pack by using the juicing bag?
It is super easy. Choose either single-use or multiple-use juicing bags, simply chop fruits and vegetables according to your recipe, and put them into the juicing bag, if you want to make juice immediately, then directly place the juicing bag into the machine, but if you want to use it later, then use food sealed clips to seal the juicing bag and store it in the fridge.
Can I use other plastics bags to replace the juicing bags?
As JUISIR will produce a force of about 8 tons, our juicing bag is specially designed to withstand such large pressure. Other plastics bags that you can find in stores would burst if you use them with JUISIR.
How to use the multiple-use juicing bags?
The multiple-use bags are split into two individual parts - the silicone outer bag and the 100% cotton filter. Place the cotton filter into the silicone outer bag and then follow the usual procedures. After juicing, take out the used cotton filter and discard it. The outer bag? Simply rinse it and you’re good to go again. All in all, there is no cleaning required for the machine.
How many times can the silicone outer bags be used before it needs replacing?
A few hundred times under normal use.
Can I buy silicone outer bags and cotton filters separately? How much do they cost respectively?
Of course, you can, both silicone outer bags and cotton filters would be available on Amazon soon. The recommended retail price for silicone outer bags is around 29 USD each and cotton filters will cost as much as 0.2 USD each.
As insoluble fiber is also important, how to utilize the pulpy residues?
Fruit and vegetables residues are pressed to a paper-thinness. You can directly add them into your baking (work perfectly with biscuits) and help to increase your daily insoluble fiber intake. OR reuse them as organic fertilizer.
When can I receive JUISIR after I placed the order?
For those who are super early birds or early birds, the original silver JUISIR will be delivered to you in May and June 2017 respectively. Once our stretch goals are reached, new colors will be introduced. If you want to have JUISIR in new colors, all backers need to wait until July 2017, while all JUISIR would be ready and sent out during that time. You will receive email from us to confirm the color of JUISIR.
If you are interested in JUISIR and want to report and introduce JUISIR to others, feel free to download JUISIR’s media pack from GOOGLE DRIVE. The media pack including the introduction of JUISIR, logos, pictures and videos. If you want more, please contact us at any time: Here is the link:
Potential Delays As with any physical product, there are challenges involved in getting it perfect and there is always the possibility of delays (sometimes outside of anyone's control). As part of JUISIRS efforts to avoid delays and ensure products are perfect for our supporters and customers, we work closely with our technical team, carefully select our partners and conservatively set time frames. Quality control remains a major focus for us. With our partners, we are implementing systems to ensure no product issues and perfect our machine before JUISIR makes its way into your hands.
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