NEW 30K STRETCH GOAL: THE ENTIRE TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN GAME SOUNDTRACK BY JULIEN-K - FREE WITH EVERY PERK!! You help us hit 30K by contributing and grabbing some of our new perks, some acoustic show perks, or a exec producer perk, inspire a song perk, a lesson .... an outfit!? .... and were there!!!
NOTE: We WILL sign all the Founders Edition Box Set's!! (sorry I left that out!) - Ry
For years we have heard our fans ask for access to or release of countless song snippets that they have heard while following us for the last 10+ years. A snippet here on our early websites, a snippet there on our YouTube updates, a piece previewed in the background of a Facebook post .... all unfinished seeds of songs that never saw the light of day. They never fit on "one specific album" for one stylistic reason or another.
Specific songs like our FIRST demos are requested almost daily on all of our social sites
This gave us an idea that we have been incubating and not-so-quietly working on for the last 2-3 years: TIME CAPSULE - A Future Retrospective.
This is a culmination of many years of Julien-K original material in a 4 disk, 60+ SONG mega-package with a totally unique BOOK built into the package!
A small band like us has NO business releasing a 60+ SONG, 4 DISK set of ALL UNRELEASED material - but our incredible fanbase and record setting crowd funding support from those amazing fans have emboldened us to create a passion project JUST FOR THEM. FOR YOU. FOR US.
This is not a classic commercial product. We have zero plans on using this material for anything but fulfilling our CORE fans desire to have all of the music they have been asking for, for over a decade - - - and even more that they didn't know existed. This project is designed for YOU. Not for a label to “help us out” and “sign us”. Not for radio to “play our single”. This is a huge “thank you” for your amazing support and love of our music.
As we started to "finish" unfinished demos, live performances, song ideas, and mix unmixed songs that didn't fit correctly on Death To Analog, We're Here With You, or California Noir Collection, we started to realize that we had an entire ADDITIONAL NEW ALBUM of unreleased material to go with all of the other amazing stuff we had filed in the proverbial Julien-K “X-Files”.
A whole album of COMPLETE, album quality unreleased original songs from over the last 10 years of writing and releasing music. We were just as surprised as you! It turns out that the songs seemed to work together as one album on this release!? The rules and the theme changed, and the songs suddenly made a cohesive and pretty amazing record - a record that comes from nowhere in time - literally a “future retrospective” glimpse into the minds of Julien-K over the past 10 years, finished and produced in 2017!