My Goal
To Raise $3000 so I can fund my tutition & board which is not part of my scholarship for my Sophmore/Junior year, so that I may complete my Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science/Geography.
Who Am I?
My name is Cheyenne Stewart. I am currently 20 years old living in Barbados. I have 4 siblings of which I am the second oldest.
I LOVE jumping. Love it! I can't say it enough times! High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, I am always so excited to be out there soaring over bars or jumping amazing meters into a pit. It was always my dream to become a world renouned athlete. From as young as 7, I was always involved in extra circicular; learning to swim and cook from a young age. I had earned my first Track and Field medal in middle school at the age of 10 where I placed 3rd in Long Jump. From High School onwards, I earned good grades and participated in almost every extra circullar at school: Netball, Basketball, Cross Country, Chess, Swimming and excelled tremously in them, but Track and Field had continued to be my one love.
With many great records held and amazing personal bests, I am now a Sophmore looking to attend Northern Michigan University in Fall 2012. There, I'll be training with the best coaches on the World's largest Indoor Track (The Wooden Dome). I have recieved an 85% scholarship from the school's excited coach to fund my 3rd year at school but as an international student, the remaining 15% is a tremendous bar standing in my way.
This campaign holds extreme importance to me because I know they are many people in the Caribbean who would love to be offered the chance to recieve more than a High School education so they can persue their athletic dreams. I am one of them. With your help, I can finally leap over this last obstacle and finally reach my dreams.
Where does your Money Go?
The money gained from this campaign will go towards:-
- My tuition and housing for sophmore - Junior year.
- Signing of international documents by Northern Michigan University.
- Allowance to buy books, school supplies, winter clothes, food, sanitary and other basic needs.
What If I exceed my goal of $3000?
Even though this campaign runs until a few days after school starts, I can continue to run this campiagn until the time runs out. My draft of plans for this campiagn if it reaches its goal are below:
- Winter clothes: Many people warn me that the winters in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan can be extremly harsh. Scary! Living in a tropical environment for 20 years where the temperature hardly ever drops below 80 degrees Farenheight; you can imagine that I will not have many warm clothes in my closet.
- New shoes: I've literally worn my 1 and only pair of sneakers into the ground! Finding a track worthy pair of sneakers will be a challenge for my soon to be active college life. Also, track shoes for Pole Vault (A new event for me!) and Triple Jump (which I have never recieved shoes for) will go a long way.
- A return ticket: After a long year of college life away from home, if there isn't any summer classes I might have to take, I get to go home!
- Other than those three ideas, I am basically open to suggestion. Hit me with what you've got! I love to hear any ideas :)
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can we get into contact with you?
Any questions or anything else you would like to know, you can always email me
- Can we donate in other currencies other than $USD?
Of course! Indiegogo accpets most currencies, just be aware of the currency exchange rate that you are trying to do.
E.g. $2 BDS= $1 USD, therefore to donate $20 USD you will have to donate $40 BDS.
- Where are all those photos and movies taken in your video from?
That is my life story! Some of them were my friends taking vidoes and pictures of me which I was given afterwards, but most pictures and videos were taken with my own camera. What you see in the movie was everything that I've experienced. Who could fake that love of jumping!
- Can I post this page other places and share this link?
Yes you can. Make as much noise about this campaign! The more people know, the closer we can reach my goal for school. Don't forget to use the Indiegogo share tools!
Thank You!
On behalf on myself I'd like to give a big thank you (and cookies!) to everyone who supported my venture. I can't express in words how thankful I am to know that there are people who are willing to help me reach my future dreams of one day becoming a Vulcanologist and Olympican and change the direction of my life for the better. Today, we take that one step of jumping that bar...