Our Lady Kate is about to Graduate.
She's poured everything she's had (and a bit more) into Graduate school. And before Christmas she is going to graduate a fully fledged, professional journalist with a focus on Photo and Video.
Only, she doesn't own a professional, fully fledged camera.
Over the last year and half in school she has borrowed equipment from CUNY's library, capturing the beautiful stories that we've all seen from Israel, NYC and Nepal on their machines. And on December 18th, that connection will end. So what happens when she gets a call from the New York Times to cover a protest, or a commission from the Huffington Post to continue her work on the housing crisis in New York?
I've started this campaign with lot's of help and support from Danny because I believe that when she accepts her diploma this month and walks into the professional world, she should do so with a tool that is capable of keeping up with her skills, passion and eye.
If you agree, here's what I ask:
Donate what you would have normally spent on Kate's Christmas gift. Or her Graduation gift. Or both combined. Or more if you feel so inclined. Point is, I'm not asking anyone to break the bank here. But rather than us all getting her that new sweater she'd really love, if we all join forces, we can help her as she passionately and beautifully gives voice to the underserved, no matter where she is.
Here's the camera body that I think would be appropriate. Amazing photos and an industry standard for video. This model is used and therefore cheap for the quality. If we are able to raise more, we will get the newer model.
And here is her website. If you need any more convincing that this camera will be put to good use. She is incredible.
p.s. This is a secret!! She doesn't know that this is happening, and it would be great if we could keep it that way until Dec 18th when she walks off the stage!!!!