Who Are We?
Korle-Bu Family Fund is a 501 (c)(3) that exists to provide
financial and material support for needy children admitted to the Pediatric
Unit of Korle Bu Hospital in Accra, Ghana.
Every month,dozensof otherwise
healthy Ghanaian newborns lose their lives or suffer permanent brain damage
brought on by severe jaundice, a common newborn illness which is easily treated
if diagnosed early. Many peripheral medical facilities lack the equipment
required to diagnose or treat newborn jaundice, and KBFF has committed to
purchase devices requires to do this. By the end of December we aim to purchase a bilirubinometer and two
phototherapy lights which will give staff the tools to treat and prevent the
severe effects of long term jaundice.
The Mission
We need $5000 to cover the cost of the
purchase of a professional grade bilirubinometer and two photo-therapy lights. The
funds go directly to the purchase and shipping of these two items. If
KBFF does not reach its goal, any funds raised will still go to use towards our general
mission of paying off the medical bills of needy families who otherwise cannot afford to
do so.
What Will Your Impact Be?
One bilirubinometer can literally diagnose thousands of infants, and because the instrument is non-invasive it
virtually eliminates the costs and time associated with blood draws and
laboratory services. There is less risk of infection, less trauma, and no pain
while allowing a fast(er) time to discharge or a decision toward treatment.
Beyond that, you will have a major affect on the finances of hundreds of families who would either have to divert already strained income towards treating severe jaundice, or worse, making the difficult decision not to seek treatment at all.
You will also be an agent for change by helping in current efforts to re-train and sensitize health professionals, develop national jaundice management protocols and ensure that photo-therapy units are available in all facilities that care for newborns.
Kindness Loves Company!
How else can you help? Spread the word! You can help the campaign in other ways by telling your friends and family on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Weibo, What'sapp or even regular old email and make this a December to Remember!
Kind regards,
The KBFF Team