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Keep SIGITE Strong

You don't have to leave home to support your SIG. Keep your commitments and SIGITE in the black.

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Keep SIGITE Strong

Keep SIGITE Strong

Keep SIGITE Strong

Keep SIGITE Strong

Keep SIGITE Strong

You don't have to leave home to support your SIG. Keep your commitments and SIGITE in the black.

You don't have to leave home to support your SIG. Keep your commitments and SIGITE in the black.

You don't have to leave home to support your SIG. Keep your commitments and SIGITE in the black.

You don't have to leave home to support your SIG. Keep your commitments and SIGITE in the black.

Robert Friedman
Robert Friedman
Robert Friedman
Robert Friedman
1 Campaign |
Atlanta, United States
$1,250 USD 7 backers
12% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk

Keep ACM SIGITE Strong and Viable

This year's conference in Atlanta is:

  • Rigorous -- with a strong slate of technical papers, posters, panels and workshops
  • Relevant -- with presentations in both IT education and research addressing a wide range of current pedagogical and professional practices, and curricular and professional development topics. 
  • And chances are, missing you on the registration list.

With over 400 SIGITE members worldwide, the rank and file is barely represented at SIGITE/RIIT 2014. As much as you'll be missed, you can still play a key part by donating modestly or generously to this membership underwriting campaign.

What We Need & What You Get

It's really very simple: what we need are your donations to augment attendees' registration fees and our sponsors' support, which are lagging behind conference expenses. What you get for your support:

  • For up to a $50 contribution, your name in the program, presenting you as a proud supporter of your SIG.
  • For a $100 contribution, your name on the website in the "Conference Sponsor" category.
  • For a $250 contribution, all of the above and your name on the hotel signage as a "Session Sponsor."
  • For a $500 contribution, your name in the program and on the website as a sponsor of the Friday luncheon.
  • For a $1000 contribution, a video of the assembled members singing "For [Your Name]'s a Jolly Good Fellow" at the opening plenary session (posted to YouTube and 
But seriously, all contributors get the satisfaction of knowing you helped your colleagues and their students by contributing to the positive reinforcement of their endeavors, and confidence in the fact that you've influenced and energized the continuing professional development of IT educators around the world.

    The Impact

    The annual conferences are a great way for SIGITE members to stay connected and informed, but it's not the only activity your colleagues engage in on behalf of our discipline:

    • The conference proceedings, archived in the ACM Digital Library, provide all of us with a research base specific to our discipline and our professional goals. Downloads from the DL accrue to material benefit for your SIG, just as citations from those articles reinforce our research activities.
    • Members like you participate in discipline-building work such as organizing and writing and updating curriculum models and bodies of knowledge.
    • Members like you, who may not be able to attend the conference, participate in strengthening the IT discipline by also volunteering to align curriculum with accreditation standards, advise peer programs about program development, and bridge related organizations to SIGITE.

    Risks & Challenges

    When conference attendance slumps, the gap between expenses and revenue widens.  That, unfortunately, is the condition we're in today. Unlike some of the more mature SIGs, our loyal sponsors can only fill in that gap to a degree, but not fully.  One of the risks presented by this situation is the negative impact red ink has on our viability we we go up for review in 2015.  Indictors of a heathy SIG include:

    • Steady or increasing membership numbers.  Like many SIGs, membership roles have taken a hit of late, but at $20/year, the collective membership fees don't offset conference expenses very much at all.
    • Steady or increasing paper submission numbers.  This, thankfully, is not our problem.  The last two years have been quite strong, and we've managed to reduce our acceptance rate, to boot.
    • Steady or increasing corporate sponsorship.  We have our stalwarts such as EMC, NetApp and Oracle Academy, yet they too look for value.  With a shrinking number of conference attendees, we risk losing their support.
    By members donating beyond their membership dues, you're telling ACM that you want your SIG, need your SIG, and value your SIG.  Being part of this membership underwriting campaign will send a loud and positive message. 

      Other Ways You Can Help

      Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:

      • If you're within driving range of Atlanta, please get the word out to your IT colleagues and ask them to register their students -- it's a cheap and easy way to hammer home the value of their IT education.
      • Use the Indiegogo share tools to spread the word!
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