--- UPDATE 01/06/16
KESSI BLUE is completed! Hooray! Post-production is done and done, and the film is already submitted to several festivals in the USA and Canada. Let's hope for roaring feedback, or at least many interesting discussions with fellow film makers at these events. Feel free to hashtag away on social media #kessibluefilm
--- UPDATE 03/23/15
FINALLY we are keeping up with our promise! It took some time due to our busy schedules but our INDIEGOGO goal was reached and surpassed, so with no further ado, here it is ^^ :
--- UPDATE 08/19/14
WE DID IT! Thank you so much to everyone who donated and shared the campaign as well as our excitement for the project. Principle photography starts at the end of the month & we are looking forward to putting your donations to good use. Our actors and crew will be well fed, lighted, filmed & cared for thanks to your help!
If your perks haven't arrived yet, we'll do our best to get them to you in September! As soon as James is back from his many travels, he'll get out his sharpie and start signing away ;)
So Here's the Deal:
We have a cool project on our hands and we need YOUR help to make it happen! Be sure to check out ALL the perks to the right!
About Us:
Jasmin Marsters moved to the States from Germany 4 yrs ago to marry the love of her life, James Marsters. Very excited to produce their first project together, Jasmin now happily adds writing/directing/producing to her otherwise blossoming career as an actress, model and singer/songwriter. She will also act in Kessi Blue.
"Weeehoooo! So excited to do this. Lots of love and care have gone into the process of starting and evolving this production. My hope is that every bit of it shows in the final product. All we need is a small donation, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!" - Jasmin
More on Jasmin under www.jasminmarsters.com
Yeah, you know him! Best known as platin-blond vampire Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as lead singer of Ghost of the Robot, the voice of the Harry Dresden Files Audio Books
and newly published comic book writer for Dark Horse Comic Books (there is sooo much more to say!) James now adds film production to his repertoire. Check out the incredible perks of this campaign, as James is really putting in the muscle
to reach out to you guys!
"Hey guys, help my wife and I get this project the quality it deserves! Looking forward to skyping or dining with some of you well-wishers!" - James
Check out James' extensive body of work here: IMDB Facebook
- James & Jasmin Marsters
We Are Supporting Hollywood's Future!
We are set on hiring cast & crew with amazing talent and professionalism that are still making their way into the business. Though they may not have movie theatre scale credentials, we want to pay and feed them and give them a chance to let their work shine with quality equipment and staff. Please help us create the environment a professional, creative set deserves!
And Here Is Another Treat for You!
James performance in Once More With Feeling, Buffy - The Vampire Slayer.
If we reach our campaign target of $12,000, James will give you a special gift! For many years the Buffy fans among you have requested that he sings Rest in Peace from the epic Buffy Musical Episode "Once More With Feeling" just one more time! So let the Buffy forums run hot with these news, because if we reach our goal, we will tape him singing it, just for you guys, & quite possibly never to be done again!
"As a huge Buffy fan myself, I'm really looking forward to this. So pleeease, let's make it happen together!" -Jasmin Marsters
This Is Only the Beginning!
If this takes off, many more projects will follow!! Scripts are already being written, dreams are starting to form, and the prospect of what is possible is beyond exciting. We cannot reveal too much though ;)
Other Ways You Can Help:
If you cannot donate (even a customized donation of a $1) , share this campaign with your friends and family on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, etc!
Daughter of late poker legend Chip Reese, Taylor has followed her passion of acting in every aspect, to lead her to her own abundant career. Taylor is playing Kessi, our lead in this film. This diamond in the rough cannot wait to transport you into the world of Kessi Blue.
"I couldn't be more grateful for this opportunity, this has been my yearning since I can remember. We are so close we can taste it, all we need is your support and generosity! Every little bit counts so thank you!! :)" - Taylor
Boston born Christina Venuti has worked in TV, film and theatre over the years and has most recently created, and starred in, a pilot called Mingle. At other times honing her craft at the Anthony Gilardi Acting Studio, we are very happy to welcome her to the cast of Kessi Blue.
You may have seen him modeling for brands such as Forever 21, Nike and Tilly's etc, but Quincy Ndekwe from Minneapolis doesn't just captivate you with his looks. He is also a photographer, a super short film maker and a very gifted actor. We are excited to have him on board!
& Jasmin Marsters :)
Big thanks to Sharon Burnett from West Valley Counseling for lending her offices for us to use as a shooting location!
Mighty thanks to Cheyanne & John from ART SHARE LA in Downtown LA for letting us use their beautiful, artfully inspiring space.
Thank you Tadas Stapona for being a great line producer, and for jumping in everywhere in this process to help!
And thank you, thank you, thank you to Gerda Weingaertner, Jeremy Clark, Jesse Montes, Noah Baron & Ross Willet from Just Another Production Productions, Ken Black, C.J. Brion, Chris Warren, Matt Kohler & many more, for their continued advice and support!!