Kiddie Car Pool
Kiddie Car Pool
Kiddie Car Pool
Kiddie Car Pool
Kiddie Car Pool
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
This campaign is closed
Kiddie Car Pool
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
We're Here to Help!
Kiddie Car Pool has been an idea of mine for at least 5 years now. I decided in 2010 to take it from an idea and turn it in to my reality. We are a child transportation company that transports children to and from school, daycare, before and after school activities, and any other extracurricular activities they may be involved in. We currently have 6 children that we transport 3-4 days a week, to and from their after school activities. We have a waiting list, but can not accommodate the children because we are limited by our vehicle. Currently, we are transporting the children in a minivan which is not large enough to accomodate everyone.
As parents, we all want our children to be safe and our goal is to give parents an affordable and inexpensive way to make that happpen. Here at Kiddie Car Pool, we also understand the time constraints and stress that you may endure on a daily basis and are here to hopefully alleviate some of it!
We are investing our time and the money we make into this company, which helps it to grow a little at a time. The purpose of this campaign is to raise the money that we will need to expand our fleet. The picture above is the minibus that we are hoping to purchase when this campaign ends. It is a 2006 Champion Bus E450 Challenger. This would be the perfect addition to our company as it holds 19 passengers and is wheelchair accessible. Our goal is to raise $7500 as a down payment for this particular minibus.
If we don't reach our goal, that doesn't mean we'll quit (because that's not something we know how to do). We'll do whatever we have to, even if it means that we have to expand our hours and drive from sun up to sun down 7 days a week! But make no mistake about it: THIS IS HAPPENING. We just need your help to make it successful!
We need all of you to spread the word about this as much as possible! Share this link with friends, family, and coworkers and ask them to help this important cause that is near and dear to us! For more information, visit our website at