Frog Hollow Outdoors has been getting people of all ages out on the water with
canoe and kayak day trips, instruction, and expeditions for over 12
years. Since our inception we have worked with many school groups, and
other non-profit organizations to offer quality, educational paddling
experiences helping people discover more about themselves and the natural world
they are a part of. Over the last handful of years we have been
contributing more and more of our services, time, and use of gear to deserving
groups for trips. We love doing this and want to do more!
We Need
Funding is the single biggest
obstacle keeping many deserving school groups and classes from getting out into
nature and onto their local waterways. The funds raised through this campaign
will be used to create this opportunity. Each trip we run will be a unique and
meaningful experience designed to meet to the needs, desires, and core
curriculum of each group/class. In some cases contributions will fund 100% of a
schools paddle trip, but in an effort to have an impact on as many kids
as possible we may also leverage your contribution, matching it with a school
or PTA's available funds to meet trip costs.
In return for your contribution we
have some amazing perks! Take a look below for more details. If you
have any questions please feel free to give us a call (919-416-1200) or send us
an email (
Our minimum goal is to set up 5
different paddle trips with school classes through the 2013/14 year. That would mean
roughly somewhere between 75-125+ kids. However, if we receive contributions
beyond our initial fund-raising goal, we could feasibly run up to 30 trips
during the 2013/14 school year! That could mean getting up to 750+ kids
outdoors on a canoe or kayak adventure! These
adventures will offer up many different opportunities, allowing each child to have their
own amazing experience.
- The
thrill and growth from doing something completely new
- Memorable, meaningful, hands-on education covering various
aspects of their grade levels core-curriculum
- Greater understanding of their connection to the
natural world
- Working through and overcoming personal challenges and expanding personal
comfort zones
- Tackling Nature Deficit Disorder
- You get the idea.
- This list could go on.
Contribution Levels and Perks
RIPPLE LEVEL $15 - Every little bit helps.
FLOW LEVEL $30 - Contributors will receive recognition on our website.
WAVE LEVEL $65 - Contributors receive recognition on our website, a coupon for a 1-HOUR SELF-GUIDED CANOE or KAYAK TRIP at Frog Hollow's West Point Outpost.
WATERFALL LEVEL $105 - Contributors receive recognition on our website, and a coupon for a FULL DAY SELF-GUIDED CANOE or KAYAK TRIP on any of our 2013/2014 Triangle Traveling Outposts.
BIG WATER LEVEL $360 - Contributors receive recognition on our website, an invitation to our Fall Friends Picnic and Boat Demo, and a coupon for 2 people on any scheduled 2013/2014 GUIDED NIGHT PADDLE.
TIDAL LEVEL $525 - Contributors receive recognition on our website, an invitation to our Fall Friends Picnic and Boat Demo, a coupon for 2 people on any scheduled 2013/14 GUIDED NIGHT PADDLE, and a coupon for a scheduled 2013/2014 KAYAK CLASS.
LEAD BOAT LEVEL $1250 - Contributors receive recognition on our website and social media sites, an invitation to our Fall Friends Picnic and Boat Demo, and a coupon for you and up to 7 friends to have your very own PRIVATE GUIDED NIGHT PADDLE (more registrants may be added for an additional fee).
ADVENTURE LEVEL $2500 - Contributors receive recognition on our website and social media sites, an invitation to our Fall Friends Picnic and Boat Demo, may make a request for a specific school to receive a trip, and a coupon for a 1-DAY PRIVATE GUIDED CANOE/KAYAK RIVER TRIP on a local river (up to 10 people - river location may be dictated by group experience, water levels, weather conditions, etc).
EXPEDITION LEVEL $5600 - Contributors receive recognition on our website and social media sites, an invitation to our Fall Friends Picnic and Boat Demo, may make a request for a specific school to receive a trip, and a coupon for you and up to 7 friends for your own 2-DAY/1-NIGHT PRIVATE GUIDED KAYAK CANOE TRIP . Contributors may choose from the following NC trip options: Platform Camping in the remote blackwater swamps of the lower Roanoke River Basin, Barrier Island Coastal Camping on Bear Island at Hammock Beach, or a River Camping Trip on a Class II+ section of the Cape Fear at Raven Rock.
Again, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call (919-416-1200) or send us an email (
Please help spread the word!