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Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

If educators and prosecutors are bent on punishing Kiera's curiosity then let us encourage her to pursue her interests and help her to achieve her dreams.

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Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

Kiera Wilmot's College Fund

If educators and prosecutors are bent on punishing Kiera's curiosity then let us encourage her to pursue her interests and help her to achieve her dreams.

If educators and prosecutors are bent on punishing Kiera's curiosity then let us encourage her to pursue her interests and help her to achieve her dreams.

If educators and prosecutors are bent on punishing Kiera's curiosity then let us encourage her to pursue her interests and help her to achieve her dreams.

If educators and prosecutors are bent on punishing Kiera's curiosity then let us encourage her to pursue her interests and help her to achieve her dreams.

Gardner Bickford
Gardner Bickford
Gardner Bickford
Gardner Bickford
1 Campaign |
San Francisco, United States
$130 USD 3 backers
0% of $29,056 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Please see the official crowd funding campaign here:


Light at the End of the Tunnel

After being expelled from High School for curiousity, 16 year old Kiera will go through a difficult time while being tried for felony charges as an adult. Let's help to remind her that in the face of an over zealous prosecution and school administration, there is a future where all of this is not as important as it may seem now. You are here now and you can help by contribution or sharing this. All of the contributions will go to Kiera.
Contribute to Kiera's College Fund
The average cost of tuition in the USA is $29,056 per year, not including room and board. Let's show her our support and help her pay for college. Let's have a year of tuition waiting for Kiera for when she goes to college.
About the Yearbook
I am creating the yearbook and having a single copy printed and sent to Kiera. If you do not wish to be listed then please do not select a perk when contributing. I will cover the expense of the yearbook. All of the contributions will go to Kiera.
If you Can't Contribute Cash Don't Worry!
You can help by sending this fund raising campaign to as many people as possible. Send it to your friends, parents, family, and your neighbor's dog!
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Choose your Perk

Your Name in her Yearbook

$10 USD
Your name will be listed as a supporter in a printed "yearbook" that will be sent to Kiera.
1 claimed

Your Photo in her Yearbook

$20 USD
Your name and photo will be listed as a supporter in a printed "yearbook" that will be sent to Kiera. You must send a portrait of yourself.
0 out of 300 of claimed

Full Page in her Yearbook

$100 USD
A full page of inspirational text and photos in a printed "yearbook" that will be sent to Kiera. Final edits are up to an editor. Trademarks, advertising, and inappropriate content will be removed.
0 out of 10 of claimed

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