The Kigali Music School
The Kigali Music School is a young institution working to provide music education for children and youth in Rwanda. The staff includes several teachers who are passionate about reaching as many children as possible.
One of the school's main activities is an outreach program that every week brings teachers to slum neighborhoods, hospitals, and centers, to teach those who cannot afford it, and to use the healing power of music with those who need it most. They specifically focus on traumatized or orphaned children and youth who still carry the scars of the genocide or its consequences. They also give small performances and do music workshops with women and young girls, victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
Support of the School
Musicians without Borders, the organization I work with in Rwanda, is now cooperating with the Kigali Music School. We provide them with instruments and supplies, while they welcome the teachers and students from our program Rwanda Youth Music to use their space.
The school needs financial support in order to maintain and expand their outreach program. On behalf of the Kigali Music School, my organization, Musicians without Borders, appeals now to the IndieGoGo community to help the school to survive.
100% of the donations from this IndieGoGo campaign will go directly to the music school to support their ongoing work. They need money for transportation, instruments, food, and modest salaries for the devoted teachers who give so much of their time and energy to heal their people using music.
Thank you for your support!
Danny Felsteiner Mekori
Musicians without Borders