"Kimpa Vita” is a Ne Kunda Nlaba's biopic drama feature film about Kimpa Vita, a 22 years old revolutionary young woman burnt alive on pyre on 02 July 1706 in the great Kingdom of Kongo for her struggle against slavery, deportations, industrial plundering, massacre of Kongo people and for her courage, braveness and audacity to rebuild her Kingdom and revive the ancestral spirituality that existed before.
In 2013, we decided to make films about this very important historical personality and heroine “Kimpa Vita” and we planned to do it in 3 phases: the documentary, drama feature and animation film.
In 2016, we started the first step and released the documentary film “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of the African Revolution” that was screened at international and prestigious film festivals such as the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles, Pan African Film Festival of Cannes, Afrykamera in Warsaw, Zanzibar International Film Festival, Congo International Film Festival in Goma, Les Ecrans Noirs in Cameroon and others, and won the award of “Mention Spéciale du Prix Spécial du Jury” “Special Mention of the Special Jury Award” at the Festival Escales Documentaire de Libreville in Gabon. Above all, the documentary film “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of the African Revolution” was also screened at some theaters such as cinema le Brady in Paris, Peckhamplex Cinema in London, at Cinema Aventure in Brussels, at Zinema in Lausanne; it is released on streaming on Amazon UK and US and on Kweli TV, and nowadays being studying at some universities around the world.
So today, we are moving to the next stage and are now developing a biopic and drama feature film “KIMPA VITA” about Kimpa Vita that we plan to film in July/August 2020 in Mbanza Kongo, the capital of the Kingdom of Kongo, actually based in the Republic of Angolan and became the world heritage of Unesco.
“KIMPA VITA” aims to be a biopic drama feature film which will depict the life and struggle of Kimpa Vita and will explore a period of the African history which is under explored and untold.
After meeting with the European powers in the 15th century, the powerful Kingdom of Kongo collapses following a series of strife, civil war, looting, industrial plundering and slave trade.
The Kongo power is weakened, the Kingdom is scrambled into several small states, the minerals of the country are plundered, slavery and deportations increase, and leaving no hopes to the population. The capital city, Mbanza Kongo is burned to the ground and the population are forced to flee the city.
In 1684, near Kibangu Mountain, a star is born and gives a glimmer of hope to the Kongo people.
In 1704, at the age of 20, the young revolutionary stands up to rebuild her kingdom, fight against slavery, restore the ancestral spirituality and then become the symbol of freedom for her people. But she also becomes the enemy of the colonial system that will coalesce to eliminate her.
Her name is Kimpa Vita.
Duration: 90-120 min
Genre: Drama
Production company: Labson Bizizi-Cine Kongo Ltd
Supporting this project is contributing to the education of people in our society against modern slavery, racism and discrimination; as the fund given will be used toward the cost of the development and production of a film tacking these issues.
It will help cover the cost related to filming equipment rental, international travel tickets for the crew from London to Angola, local transportation of cast and crew, filming locations, accommodations, foods and drinks during 1 month shooting in Angola.
You are making a huge contribution in the creation of a piece of art and biopic motion picture which will be seen around the world by different generations with your name on it as a backer.
For £10 and more Unlimited
With your valuable contribution of £10, you will get a shout out on the official Instagram and Facebook page of the film and on all our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of our production company and associates, of our Director, Producers...
For £25 and more Unlimited
You will get a special thanks in the film end credit + a shout out on the official Facebook page of the film and on all our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of our production company and associates, of our Director, Producers… A special thanks from Producer and Director Ne Kunda Nlaba, and an additional DVD of the documentary film “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of the African Revolution” once released
For £50 and more Unlimited
A special thanks in the film end credit + a shout out on the official Facebook page of the film and on all our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of our production company and associates, of our Director, Producers...
A special thanks from Ne Kunda Nlaba, 1 free screening ticket of the film or one DVD of the film once released, and an additional DVD of the documentary film “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of the African Revolution” once released.
For £100 and more Unlimited
You will get a signed A4 film poster, a special thanks in the film end credit + a shout out on the official Facebook page of the film and on all our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of our production company and associates, of our Director, Producers...
A special thanks from Ne Kunda Nlaba, 2 free screening tickets of the film or 2 DVDs of the film once released (It depends on your choice if you are unable to attend the screening), and an additional DVD of the documentary film “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of the African Revolution” once released.
For £250 and more Unlimited
You will get 2 free screening tickets and 2 DVD copies of the film once released and all the other perks above!
For £500 and more Unlimited
As our VIP Supporter, you will get a seat at our VIP table read during the premiere, a 2 DVD copies of the film once released, and a special credit in the end of the film under the categories of “Sponsors” and all the other perks above!
For £1,000 and more Unlimited
As our VVIP Supporter, you will get 2 seats at our VIP table read during the premiere, a 2 DVD copies of the film once released, and a special credit in the end of the film under the categories of “Sponsors” and all the other perks above!
For £2,500 and more Unlimited
You'll be honored to receive every single perk above and also get an Associate Producer credit in the film end credit and will be part of the red carpet!
Born in Kinshasa in D.R.Congo, Ne Kunda Nlaba is an African Film Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Editor, Actor and Political Scientist based in London.
He holds a Master of Arts in Film, Television & Screen Media from Birkbeck University of London, a Certificate of Higher Education in BA (Hons) Film: Video Production and Film Studies from the University of West London, a City & Guild Diploma in Advanced Media Industries Production from Lambeth College and a degree in Politics from Université Chrétienne Cardinal Malula/D.R.Congo.
Owner and C.E.O of Labson Bizizi-Cine Kongo Ltd and Afrika Bizizi Distribution Ltd, founder and Film Professor at Kongo Bizizi Academy “the Pan African Film Institute” and also member of Producers Guild of Great Britain (PGGB), Ne Kunda Nlaba is a confident and creative filmmaker with experience in writing, producing and directing narrative fiction and documentary films of diverse genres. Recently produced and directed short and feature films distributed online, on Television and at national and international film festivals including “The Next” (2009), “The Steel Pan” (2010), “Living Without Living” (2011), "Cherie Bondowe" (2012), “Abeti Masikini: Le Combat d’Une Femme” (2015) and “Kimpa Vita: The Mother of African Revolution” (2016), Kingdom of Kongo: In Search of the Destroyed Kingdom” (2019) and is actually producing a new dance feature film "Afro Beat".
Kandace is a Producer and Content Creator actually based in Los Angeles in USA. She qualified with a BA Joint Hons Degree in Media & Cultural Studies and Performing Arts. After gaining a PGCE in Secondary Education she had a fruitful career teaching in London and Los Angeles. Her teaching career helped elevate Kandace to create “Kids Learn So Much” an Educational Interactive, Children's TV Show in July 2019. It introduces children to a variety of topics by creatively combining common objects and resources to stimulate their interest in learning. Kandace is in talks with a major television network about the project. The pilot has been filmed and is in post production.
Kandace wrote and developed her one-woman show called “She’s Coming To Murica”, which she performed at The Hollywood Fringe Festival which sold out for every show.
In 2015 Kandace began to create platforms for many BAME actors, writers and directors helping them write and produce their own work. She created a showcase called “Next Up Talent” this show ended up at the National Theatre in 2017.
Kandace was one of the co-writers for the stage-play “All the Colours” about a woman’s survival in the Sierra Leone civil war aftermath. Working with writer/actor Davina Cole, the show won Best Play at the Los Angeles Women’s Festival awards in 2015.
Kandace Caine has also been producing and continues to cast for theatre, Tv and Film. She recently produced her new short film “Birds With Attitude” which was shot as a short film in May 2018.
Kandace also is the voice of video games, animation, radio plays, audio books and commercials.
Labson Bizizi-Cine Kongo a film production company specialized in creating the best African narrative fiction, documentary and animation films and Television drama series. We also produce corporate and commercial films tailored to your needs.
For more information, please visit our company website
or the film's website or our Facebook page:
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