Team Apex
Team Apex
Team Apex
Team Apex
This campaign is closed
Team Apex
Team Apex
Team Apex
Team Apex
Team Apex
Kiwi is an adorable 2D Auto Scroller with hand-drawn art and original music. You play as Kiwi, a young bird who is on a quest to rescue his parents after they have been captured by poachers. On his journey, Kiwi will travel to three Islands-- New Zealand, Australia, and Japan-- and face new enemies and obstacles along the way.
To bring Kiwi into your wings, the team hopes to raise at least $500. This money will go towards advertising for the game, licensing fees, and Unity Collaboration membership fees.
All your donations will ensure that Kiwi reaches many platforms and that we can share Kiwi with as many people as possible!
In what other ways can you help? Share the uber-cute Kiwi with your friends and family to get the word out!