It’s a simple as it sounds: we’re a library that lends tools! The Klamath Tool Library (KTL) is a project of Klamath Sustainable Communities, and we are committed to empowering our community by providing low-cost access to tools.
KTL is a not-for-profit venture, run by a volunteer committee.
Tool library members can have unlimited borrowing access to a wide variety of home repair, hobby and construction tools. Tools can be checked out for 7 days. And if you sign up now, we're offering some great perks to say thank you!
Your support during our campaign will create the "critical mass" of members we need to make this sharing economy project a reality.
Your one-year membership will activate upon your first visit to the tool library.
For a cost that is less than buying even one power tool, you'll have access to hundreds of tools! We have everything from drills to sanders, screwdrivers to ladders, clamps to table saws.
Members will have access to workshops taught by local experts on topics such as Carpentery, Plumbing, Gardening, Tool Repair, and more!
Maker Space
Love to tinker? We do too! Our space will include workbenches, chalk boards, white boards, papers, pens and creative DIY enthusiasts to help you explore ideas and get to work making it happen!
Donate tools
The Klamath Tool Library is made possible with the help of community donations of underused tools. We accept any kind of tool - and we'll give you a tax-deductible reciept. We're especially looking for larger power tools, such as a lawn mowers, a wood chippers, or table saws. To donate a tool, contact
Passionate people are needed to help with tool maintenance, inventory, customer service, and the less glorious tasks like bookkeeping that go into running a not-for-profit business.
We need your help! We’ve spent the last year researching and visiting other tool libraries in the Pacific Northwest. Your financial contribution will keep the lights on, pay insurance, and purchase needed tools we may not be able to receive via donations.
Every dollar we raise goes back into our community space and towards the success of our tool library.
SHARE THIS CAMPAIGN: If you find the idea of a tool library in the Klamath Basin as exciting as we do, please share this campaign with your family and friends via all your networks.
You can use the share buttons along the left side of this campaign page to help toot our horn and let people know about the Klamath Tool Library.
If you would like to donate via Check, please make it payable to Klamath Sustainable Communities and mail it to:
Klamath Tool Library c/o Klamath Sustainable Communities
409 Pine St. #211, Klamath Falls, OR 97601