Knock Lock Box. and the theft is avoided
What if you could hide your secrets without any password or key, and at the same time using something that doesn't seem an electric device at all!
This is exactly what Knock Lock Box allows you to do. You just need to remember a secret sequence of knocks; knocking this sequence is the only way you can open the box. Once the box is open, you just need to touch the metallic touch sensor on the front of the box and it will close in a second.
Nobody will imagine that your box can do all this. After all, from the outside, it seems just.. a box!
Let's go to details
The case is 100% wood and it's made in Italy
- The secret sequence will be given with the box
- Batteries are included
- In the final version, there will be a small led that will blink when a knock is sensed by the box. In this way, it will be easier to knock the right sequence.
- In the final version there will be a cool mechanism (instead of the blue and ugly actual one) that won't let the box be opened at all without the sequence.
- we have decided to keep the box's dimensions small for an issue of usability and price. The exact dimensions are 10cmx10cmx5cm.
And now some technical details..
The box is Arduino-based. Actually, there is not an Arduino inside the box. This is because there is ATMEGA328p (the Arduino's processor) running all the programs that allow the box to manage the piezo input ( knock sensor ), the capacitive input (touch sensor) and the servo motor ( that let the box open and close).
In this way the costs are massively reduced, as the ATMEGA costs something like 20 times less than an Arduino board. Even if this required a lot of work, now we are proud to afford this low price. Moreover, this solution reduces the power consumption so that the batteries durability is really long-lasting.
The box works lovely, but new features are being developed: an
ATTINY84, cheaper and less power-consuming, will probably replace the current ATMEGA328; a
more efficient sleep-mode for the processor is also being developed in order to low down even more the power-consume of the box. (see the "use of funds" section*)
Use of Funds
What will the money raised used for? Well, one issue is to finalize the project; this means that there are many marginal aspects that need to be enhanced.
"blue-section" improvement: this is the part that hold the box's lid attached to the motor arm. It will be better designed and produced in series.
the black-bottom of the box will be strengthened.
the motor will be better covered.
the PCB (printed circuit board) will be produced in series and refined.
a smaller processor will be used in order to low-down price and energy consumption.
a sleep-mode will be better developed in order to have an even more low batteries consumption.
The most of the money raised, anyway, will be used for manufacturing, production tooling and therefore to start effectively the project.
Perks for Backers
*€19 only for the "Early Birds", see perks' section for more details
We will providing regular updates every 3 weeks to backers.
- July: Indiegogo campaign
- August: product design and testing
- September: manufacturing
- October: final adjustment
November: shipping
The Team
hey, who are the two guys in the video?
Alex and Alice. They are the "Team". Both 18 years old, both Italian, both enthusiastic about Knock Lock Box.
Alex( Alessandro Solbiati ) is the one who actually developed the Box. He had the idea, he put together the electronic components, he wrote a beta-code, he built prototypes, he soldered circuits, and he assembled the final version..
Alice( Alice Tunice ) is the red-hair Art Director and Designer of the project. She shoot the video, built the scenography, painted the box, and designed the box.
Alex and Alice worked really hard during the last months, and now together they are launching this campaign on Indiegogo.
how will it end?
now we'd love to hear from you..
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!
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Thank you from Alessandro and Alice