Who we are:
Born in Los Angeles California and bred in the pacific northwest, the inspiration of Koboko was sparked out of a desire for individualism in style and a sense of adventure.
Our Motto:
We live and breathe the phrase “carve out your path” and our designs are evidenced in the provision of comfort wrapped around the spirit of relaxation.
What makes us unique?
Koboko’s patented flip flop designs are unmistakable and constructed with high-quality materials that are battle tested and wearable on almost any terrain. Our solution addresses a commonly asked question "How long do I have to wait to break in my flip flops?" We have developed a concept that facilitates an accelerated "break-in" evolution of your flip flop experience while simultaneously providing the required foot and arch support.
Our Mission:
We're on a mission to inspire individuality and freedom of spirit through bold, beautiful, and comfortable sandals that you can wear almost anywhere.
What We Need & What You Get:
A lot of blood sweat and tears went into perfecting our prototypes, now we need your support in bringing this product to market. We will be taking in pre-orders on our crowdfund campaign which is an opportunity to get a pair of Koboko flip flops at an early bird special rate and simultaneously help us bring this product to market. We really need your participation and energy to make this happen. There will be campaign rewards offered with enticing discounts for you to take advantage of.
When we reach and surpass our goal, we will utilize the contributions to start production immediately! And if we do not meet our goal, your full contribution will be returned to you.
Our Collection:
Risks & Challenges:
I am quite aware of the unfortunate instances and frustrations surrounding unfulfilled orders. You may have the best product in the world, but if you’re unable to fulfill your customer demands in a timely fashion... Well, I think you know where I’m headed. I’m also very aware of the need to be as communicative as possible with the status of your orders and inquiries, all of which amounts to providing stellar customer service!
We have worked very hard to close the “order to receipt” gaps by identifying manufacturers providing end to end supply chain solutions, and minimizing the number of entities in the overall fulfillment process.
However, working with other vendors and manufacturers does open up more opportunities for delay in the manufacturing and distribution process. We are committed to do everything in our power to deliver our product on time, but a potential setback could be based on factors beyond our control. In the event that this occurs, please be assured that we are working diligently to get everything on track.
We will endeavor to be as transparent and timely with our communication, which is something we can definitely control 100 percent of the time. Our goal, in the event of an untimely and unforeseen hiccup is to keep everyone informed and up to date on our progress until every pair of Koboko Flip Flops is delivered.
Additional impact
Now, for those of you who may not be able to contribute finacially, you can still help by spreading the word and telling your friends and family. You'd be surprised how powerful the word of mouth can be!