L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
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L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman
Hi! Dee here along with James and we're, "Two wild and crazy writers!" And we love Zombies! Well, James likes them more than me but here we are!
Our film is entitled "L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman" and it's not just another zombie movie...oh no! These zombies are living among us! Right under our noses! Now you may ask, "Hey how do zombies live among us, and no one know?" Well, one man does know how! He has known for a long time and he is out to stop them. He is the only one knows the secret and the plan to create a society run by...you guessed it, ZOMBIES! That man is
"L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman."
Filled with government conspiracy theories and cover-ups, our film will take place in Chicago over the summer and will be edited during the winter months, because honestly, it's just too damn cold to film in Chicago during the winter! And trust us when we say, "this ain't gonna be your ordinary brain eating zombie's type movie!" Although there will be those too!
L.A. Storm, Zombie Hitman is our first 90-minute film which will have special effects, tons of zombie makeup, and of course zombies! The majority of funding will go towards submissions for film festivals as well as marketing and promotions, screening and planning for a red carpet premiere. This is a feature film and since this is a feature film we want to make this look as professional as possible with limited funds. So we need to hire an experienced
make-up artist in Chicago. But it doesn't stop there. The funding will also be used for our
cinematographer and director of photography to make sure those zombies
scenes are perfect and as gory as possible! (Whew, I'm scared already just
thinking about it!) And what zombie movie is complete without the perfect sound track? So we've enlisted the skills of an experienced musician who's resume includes the scoring for Disney and the TV series "Know Your Heritage!" (WHOOHOO!!!) Good
thing we don't have to pay the zombies, I mean because you know they are
zombies after all, what do they need money for? Right? Just kidding. The zombies get compensated too! The funding needed is $10,000 dollars which will cover marketing, promoting, special effects artist, cinematographer and director of photographer, and (3) key locations one being an science lab.
Okay so what do you get for helping us create our zombie apocalypse? Lots of things, from creative animated "thank you" emails, to posters and tickets to the pre-screening party, red carpet invitations with vip seating, access to the set during the filming of our zombie flick and..(drum roll please!!)...tadadada...a role in our productions as..wait for it...wait for it... one of the zombies!!! Larger contributors will be credited as "executive producer" along with us on IMDB. as well as all the other goodies! Now, HOW can you resist all that?
We need your help to reach our goal. All of us here are committed to make this movie with your help. We have several avenues to help raise funding through all of our efforts to network, blast the internet, beg and plead with family members and hope they don't disown us. All kidding aside we are committed to make this work for YOU our supporters!
We cannot do this without your help so remember to use the share tool to get the word out to your friends and family. Unleash the DIWO! -- 'Do It With Others!'
Thanks and now it's time to get to work!
Dee and James!