Synopsis :
MAVREK and AELLE are searching for the perfect place to live their love.
Guided by a mysterious blue dog, they embark on a perilous voyage that will guide them to the clouds.
Description :
The project puts the finger on the distressing reality in which we live in this society.
To live love to the fullest in Lebanon, by having to face the social codes and by being different in the way we perceive life, is very difficult.
An emotional loving couple in the face of a raw and chaotic society has only a single way out: to leave.
In his poem, “The foreigner” (L’étranger), Charles Baudelaire transcribes all the thoughts of this couple.
Here they are guided by a huge dog, a symbol of loyalty, towards the ideal place to dream: the clouds.
The first obstacle being to be able to remain faithful to oneself with the influence of friends and the people all around.
It is a life choice after all …
Who are we?
Léa Kamel
Lea starts her studies in interior design till she gets her license and decides after that to continue her studies in 2D/3D animation and graduates three years later with a masters in animation. She is passionate about animals , Japanimation and french animation .
She is trying to keep her personal touch through her work using a mix between traditional 2D animation and digital coloring.
(blog : leakamel.blogspot.com)
Marwan Antonios
Marwan starts his studies in audiovisual till he gets his license and decides to continue in the field he loves the most : Music.
He studied music production , he is a one man band and produced several albums of different musical styles.
(Soundcloud : soundcloud.com/marwan-antonios)
This is how we will be using the money, we have to buy another cintiq wacom to be able to work faster on the project since we're only two in the team !
We will have to go to several places to take shooting references too so that Lebanese people could relate to known places in the country such as the Chouwen lake and the top of Quadisha's mountain.
The animation will take around a year to be done, and we really need your help to be able to go through this because animation is a very long process!
But we love it !
Thank you for your time and support!