In the beginning, the Gods created the world, and there were many wonders for them to see. One of these wonders were the Giants who ruled with an iron fist.
Iron Wolf Art has created the first in the series of Lands of Giants
The funding required for creating our miniature Giants goes towards the artwork created in the concept stage, the 3d modeling of the miniatures based on our concept art, several prototypes to verify the miniatures look good, the actual manufacturing of the miniatures, and then finally to prepare them for sending out! We’ve been working on the design and concept stage for these miniatures for several months now. And they are ready for release, all files are ready for download for home printing.
"Taken from folklore"
The Father of the Giants - the first giant created by the Gods.
Began a battle over the golden mountains with the master of red dragons.
They fought for three days and three nights.
The battle was interrupted by Perun, the mighty god of lightning, the lord of the lower sky. Perun did not want the giants and dragons to kill each other so he stopped the fight.
As the giants trample on the warrior's word and break the rules of the megdan, Perun decided to punish them. He cast a curse on the giants to be ugly and grotesque forever and never to be trusted with a given word again. To live without honor forever. He presented the golden mountains to the dragons, and the giants were driven away.
Most of the miniatures shown in this campaign are not only designed and sculpted, but also in production and sometimes even manufactured. Pretty much all that is left is finishing up the production of all the unlockable extras from this campaign, and for that, we need your help.
We are aware that production problems can appear down the line, as well as logistics problems and a plethora of other risks. We have contingency plans in place to deal with those when and if they come, and we pledge to you to be transparent in our communication: if anything goes wrong, you will be the first to know.
However, we have done our best to ensure the overall risk is minimal and we will continue to do so until this project is finished and your rewards are delivered to your doorsteps.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
- Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that's all there is to it.