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Lanney's Smile

The road to normal: Help Lanney repair the damage from fighting childhood cancer.

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Lanney's Smile

Lanney's Smile

Lanney's Smile

Lanney's Smile

Lanney's Smile

The road to normal: Help Lanney repair the damage from fighting childhood cancer.

The road to normal: Help Lanney repair the damage from fighting childhood cancer.

The road to normal: Help Lanney repair the damage from fighting childhood cancer.

The road to normal: Help Lanney repair the damage from fighting childhood cancer.

Jamie Garcia
Jamie Garcia
Jamie Garcia
Jamie Garcia
1 Campaign |
Blanchard, United States
$2,832 USD 53 backers
14% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Lanney’s Story

Born on November 23rd, 1999, Lanney Phillips was barely out of her mother’s womb when she was diagnosed with Bilateral Retino Blastoma at just 6 months of age. Retino Blastoma is a rapidly developing cancer that develops in the eye’s retina (the light-detecting tissue). Lanney spent the next four months undergoing chemo treatments to fight the cancer, but doctors determined that her left eye needed to be surgically removed because the retina had detached as a result of the cancerous tumor.

After the surgery, Lanney went through laser treatment every month until she was two and a half, at which point she was sent to Philadelphia for radiation treatment.

At 3 years old, and after having completed 25 radiation treatments, she was pronounced cancer free!

Unfortunately, despite having beaten the cancer, her remaining eye required cataract surgery and a lens implant.

Fast forward 10 years and Lanney, now 13, is a 7th grader who, like many of her peers, needed braces. Unlike her peers, however, the radiation treatments she underwent as a child had deteriorated her jaw bones to the point that standard orthodontia treatment would be impossible.

No one realized that Lanney had spent her entire life eating on only the left side of her mouth. If doctors don’t act now, she will likely continue to lose bone mass in her jaws as she gets older.

In order to prevent this from happening, Lanney will need 3 implants, screws to hold her bottom jaw in place, bone graphs and further testing of the deteriorating bone. Doctors will also begin her on hyperbaric oxygen therapy to try to regenerate some of the healthy cells that the radiation treatment destroyed in the process of killing off the cancerous cells.


How can you help?

Despite having medical insurance, her parents Tommy and Lindsay Phillips must come up with $20,000 up front before the doctors or insurance will do anything to help Lanney. This is what led us to start this campaign. Lanney is a trooper to have gone through so much at such a young age, and we are humbly asking for your support.

We want to thank you in advance for any and all support you can contribute to Lanney.

Thank you!


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