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Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

The best way to find laser flashes from another civilization is to always look everywhere

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Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

Laser SETI: First Ever All-Sky All-the-Time Search

The best way to find laser flashes from another civilization is to always look everywhere

The best way to find laser flashes from another civilization is to always look everywhere

The best way to find laser flashes from another civilization is to always look everywhere

The best way to find laser flashes from another civilization is to always look everywhere

SETI Institute
SETI Institute
SETI Institute
SETI Institute
2 Campaigns |
Mountain View, United States
$100,831 USD 531 backers
100% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Laser SETI is an audacious project to place specialized cameras around the globe to look for laser flashes from deep space. Join the first project ever to scan the *whole sky all the time* for signals from an extraterrestrial civilization!


Until now, SETI experiments (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), whether listening for a radio transmitter or searching for a high-powered laser, have assumed that ET is on-the-air all the time, so that wherever the instrument is pointed, the signal will be there.

Laser SETI is the first experiment to circumvent this assumption.

Laser SETI could find a very short ping from anywhere on the night sky.  Indeed, it could detect a laser flash as short as a millisecond or less; and one that might not repeat for days, weeks, or even longer.  Or ever.

Searching all-the-sky all-the-time is an essential capability when looking for intermittent signals.  Radio experiments will someday be able to do that, but Laser SETI can do so right now--with your help.

Laser SETI makes this possible by using multiple, redundant, and inexpensive detectors, located strategically around the globe.  And experiments of the past two years have shown that this technology works.

The Laser SETI campaign will fund the remaining development and the installation of two detectors in a fully operational observing campaign.  This would be a prelude to large-scale production and deployment around the world.


Team: The SETI Institute


The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit, scientific research organization, where more than 70 scientists study the origin and nature of life in the universe. We have a passion for discovery and exploration, and strive to be ambassadors of science to everyone.

Frank Drake did the first SETI observations at the Green Bank Observatory in 1960.  Project Phoenix was a decade-long search using radio telescopes around the globe, and now with our game-changing Allen Telescope Array commissioned in 2007, the team at the SETI Institute continues its relentless innovation.

We're proud to continue that tradition today, with Laser SETI led by Silicon Valley engineer Eliot Gillum and astrophysicist Gerry Harp, supported by Jill Tarter (made famous by Jodi Foster's role in Carl Sagan's movie Contact, and winning the TED prize) and Seth Shostak (astronomer and host of the Big Picture Science radio program), and advised by other scientists from the SETI Institute and elsewhere.



Get these before they're gone!  Check out illustrations of selected perks below, and be sure not to miss the desktop crystal designed by renowned sculptor Bathsheba Grossman, or an official copy of "Making Contact: Jill Tarter" signed by Jill herself!

Here's a better look at that mesmerizing crystal!


Project Status and Need

CameraLaser SETI has been under development for more than two years.  The instrument and associated software have now been proven with basic sky observations, validating the design and various types of sensor noise.  Now it's time to begin scaling up to a full sky observing campaign. 

But we need you to help us take the next step!  Laser SETI is exceedingly cost efficient, but astronomy-grade cameras must be purchased and optics fabricated.  Meanwhile, the team must work to finish development and run SETI operations.

Here are the funding levels needed to advance to a fully operational system:

  • $100,000  With two cameras, we can spatially localize targets on the sky, validating the algorithm and distribution of potential signals
  • $150,000  Dual site operations can commence with 2 cameras at each location.  Full time, high confidence SETI can begin with one 75 degree-across patch of sky.  And, to show our excitement, we'll announce a BONUS PERK!!!
  • $280,000  Two half-observatories means twice as much SETI and half as long to fundamentally prove the observing strategy
  • $510,000  Two full observatories!!!


    Technology: How It Works

    To detect monochromatic flashes anywhere in the sky, you first need to see the whole sky by "tiling" it with cameras.  The cameras should have a large field of view, so fewer are needed, as well as to lower computational and maintenance costs.  To detect a dim short flash, you must read the camera out very quickly.  We use a specialized technique to read out our camera more than 1000 times per second!  This technique gains time resolution by losing information vertically, but that's ok because we get it back with another camera looking at the same patch of sky--which was needed to maximize sensitivity anyways.  Finally, to distinguish a single color of light from other types of sources, a specialized transmission grating is used to spread out each point source into two spectra; the technical term for this is "slitless spectroscopy."


    You can't see the whole sky from any one part of the globe.  Below is a map of ideal locations for the observatories.  Technically, only 6 are required to see the whole sky (red dots), but secondary observatories (gray dots) provide greatly increased statistical and physical validation of signals detected, as well as basic coverage when a primary site has bad weather.


    You can learn more about the project's background and how the instrument works from a recent public lecture by project scientist Eliot Gillum.

    (Talk starts at 6:47)


    Risks & Challenges

    The SETI Institute is a leader in its field and well suited to take on this audacious project.  However, as with all science and engineering, specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed.

    We believe the minimal risk that remains is demonstrating the observing strategy with multiple cameras and initial data collection at large scale.  The hardware has been designed to be robust and the camera itself has been extensively field tested.  There's some software still to be developed, but that is mostly automation and cloud data collection and reporting.


    Other Ways You Can Help

    Maybe you just can't contribute directly, or you already did and still want to do more, you're in luck!

    SETI is an endeavor for all humanity, and we need your help getting the word out to all interested parties!  Tell your friends, share with the buttons on this page, light your laser beacon!


    Still Have Questions?

    After reading all that, if you still have questions, then we recommend the Astronomy Magazine Laser SETI Q&A guest blog written by Eliot Gillum, solicited from people like you!

    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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    Choose your Perk


    Official Crystal

    $250 USD
    Gazing at navels is both boring and socially suspect. This crystal will give you literal insights into the SETI Institute’s newest reconnaissance of the galaxy. Definitely not something you see every day. But it could be!
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Galaxy Crystal
    Estimated Shipping
    November 2017
    22 out of 50 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Laser SETI Sticker

    $25 USD
    Not only does this gum-backed graphic indicate how aware you are of our newest efforts to find cosmic company, it will also hide those passé stickers on your laptop
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Sticker
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    81 out of 200 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    SETI Cap and Pin

    $35 USD
    This is one cap you won’t want to trade. Pair this SETI chapeau with our golden, logo pin for a fashion statement that’s out of this world.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Cap
    • SETI Institute pin
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    46 out of 200 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Laser SETI Laser

    $45 USD
    Why wait for Scotty to beam you up? Aim this laser at the sky, and type out your personal commentary to ET using Morse or any other form of pulse code modulation
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Laser pointer
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    55 out of 200 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Laser SETI T-Shirt

    $65 USD
    You’ll be the sartorial hit of your next nerd convention with this sporty shirt. The challenging rebus shows the steps to finding peaceful, intelligent life.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Laser+Camera=ET Shirt
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    67 out of 250 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Laser SETI Hoodie

    $120 USD
    This hoodie’s a goody. Warm and fuzzy, just like a cup of hot chocolate or an overheated bichon frisé. Also protects your head against small incoming meteors.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Hoodie
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    15 out of 100 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Laser SETI Hoodie and T-Shirt

    $150 USD
    Our handsome hoodie and top-grade t-shirt will handle your fashion needs both winter and summer.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Laser+Camera=ET Shirt
    • Hoodie
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    14 out of 200 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Broadband Roll-up

    $419 USD
    This deal can't be beat! We find all the signals all the time, and you find all the perks (in your mailbox)! Point your laser at the crystal while wearing your shirt, hoodie, hat, and pin. Maybe don't wear the sticker, though.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Laser+Camera=ET Shirt
    • Galaxy Crystal
    • Cap
    • SETI Institute pin
    • Hoodie
    • Laser pointer
    • Sticker
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    5 out of 20 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Signed Jill Tarter book

    $500 USD
    The ET phone home tome. A fresh-off-the-press copy of this new book about a world-famous SETI pioneer, together with her autograph. You may wish to have it bronzed.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Signed Jill Tarter book
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    10 out of 50 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Hangout with SETI team

    $1,000 USD
    Join your favorite SETI Institute scientists on-line as they address their occasionally incisive comments directly to you. A memorable experience – and in a good way.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Team Hangout
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    1 out of 20 of claimed

    Lunch with SETI team

    $5,000 USD
    Check out the feeding preferences of SETI researchers, while simultaneously observing their impeccable table manners and penchant for witty conversation. You can’t get any closer to these folks without marrying one.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Lunch with SETI team
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    1 out of 5 of claimed

    Launch Party

    $10,000 USD
    Your chance to smash a bottle of champagne on the first operational model of the Laser SETI instrumentation as it opens its electronic eye to the heavens. Check out the other telescopes, and celebrate in a high-altitude aerie, surrounded by more domes than you’ll encounter at a scalp wax convention.
    Included Items
    • Quarterly Reports & Good Karma
    • Telescope First Light
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2018
    4 out of 20 of claimed
    sold out

    Early-bird Double T-Shirt Deal

    $99 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    10 out of 10 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    sold out

    Early-bird Roll-up

    $335 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    10 out of 10 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    Tags for this project

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