“The Last Rung on the Ladder” is a short film adaptation from the 1978 Stephen King short story, written by Max Blaska and Karla S. Bryant. Rights for this short film were obtained by Max Blaska through Mr. King’s Dollar Baby Program. Production for the short film is currently underway in 2023, being directed by Mr. Jeff Blankenship, produced by Kurt Krauss, and bringing together a talented cast including Seth K. Hale, Kayla Kelly, Franki Moscato, and Brian Belz, as well as a seasoned crew of industry professionals including DP Ethan VerKuilen, AD Chris Weis, Mitch Muenster, Cola Engel and Zach McLain. Since January 2023, “The Last Rung on the Ladder” has been filming on location in several gorgeous locations in Wisconsin including The Bel-Air, Pine Cone Cafe and the Gateway Lodge in Land O’ Lakes as well as the historic Venue 404 in Oshkosh (famous film location for Michael Mann’s 2008 Public Enemies). The production moves to Madison next in March to complete its final scenes.
“The Last Rung on the Ladder” is a production of Mental Health Warrior PAC LLC.
The non-exclusive rights from Mr. King’s organization for “The Last Rung on the Ladder” are contracted for one year. Production dates run from January 2023 - April 1, 2023. By early summer 2023, Mr. King will receive his copy of the short film, and it will be simultaneously submitted to non-profit film festivals at that time. The estimated running time of this film is set to be 20-25 minutes.
How can YOU help?
“The Last Rung on the Ladder” is running 100% on donations. The previous Indiegogo campaign, along with Mental Health Warrior PAC LLC, raised $1000.00 and since Jan. 2023, thousands of dollars worth of donated time, lended out gear, lodging and food have already been given to the creation of this project
As opposed to having “investors” like other film campaigns, contractually “The Last Rung on the Ladder” short film must remain non-commercial. Traditional “investors” cannot make their money back on this short film, but as donors, YOU can be a part of something very cool. We also put together some sweet perks to say “thank you” to YOU! So please check those out, and consider contributing to a short film hoping to be “Fit for a King!”
“The Last Rung on the Ladder” is running 100% on donations. The previous Indiegogo campaign, along with Mental Health Warrior PAC LLC, raised $2,800.00 and since Jan. 2023, additionally thousands of dollars worth of donated time, lended out gear, lodging and food have already been given to the creation of this project! As some people are more comfortable donating to this film outside of Indiegogo, please contact us via email at thelastrungontheladderfilm@gmail.com
In the News:
From the Writer:
“My name is Max Blaska and I have been a storyteller all my life, but this story is the one closest to my heart. At a young age, my Aunt Betty introduced me to the works of Stephen King. We watched “Maximum Overdrive” and “Children of the Corn" together, and even though I was probably a bit too young, she gave me my first Stephen King novel as a Christmas present. It was “The Dark Half”. My Aunt, much like myself, struggled with mental illness. She was also a strong advocate for the rights of many others struggling with mental illness. This short film is being dedicated in her honor.
While I enjoy most of King’s novels, “It” and “Insomnia” have made a lasting impact on me. It was surreal to visit King’s home in Bangor, Maine with SK Tours. Seeing all of the inspirations he drew from also inspired me. It was a conversation with Mr. James Tinker who runs SKTours that convinced me to purchase the rights to one of King’s short stories. “The Last Rung on the Ladder” builds on the core of Stephen King’s short story, and also tells a story about the stigmas that can separate and tear us apart.”