Laura Lamn Album 4
Laura Lamn Album 4
Laura Lamn Album 4
Laura Lamn Album 4
Laura Lamn Album 4
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Help Us Make Beautiful Music
Thanks for taking the time to watch my video and visit my crowdfunding page.
My music always has been, and always will be a labour of love. I write songs as a form of therapy. My songs have helped myself and others connect to something deeper. Writing and singing brings me back into the present moment and helps me to focus on truth and beauty.
To me, music is actually magic. Music can transform your mood in a moment. Music can transport you to the other side of the world. Music can help you access secret caverns of your heart and mind. I believe in the power of music, and that's why I've devoted my life to it!
I've funded and released 3 Independent DIY albums over the past 5 years. You can find me on Spotify and all other streaming platforms. With every album I get more stripped back and simple. Album 4 will be my most pure and vulnerable, just 4 voices, lovingly crafted harmonies, and meaningful lyrics.
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We plan to get in the studio in Spring! But we need your help to make it possible. We are crowdfunding to raise the money to pay to record, produce and release this album into the world.
This IndieGoGo campaign will be used to
+ Pay musicians a fair Musicians Union Rate for Recording, Mixing, Mastering and Production
+ Administrative Tasks to produce and release album
+ Printing of Zines, Postage and Packing
You can choose to pledge any amount you want, or you can choose one of my pledge packages below…
£5 - High 5 - Support The Journey
Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
£10 - MP3 Downloads
MP3 Downloads of the album
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
£15 - Digital Goody Bag - MP3s + PDF Zine
Digital Goody Bag - Digital MP3 Download of the songs plus a PDF Zine with lyrics, stories and artwork.
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
£22 - Goody Bag in The Post - Signed Zine and a Surprise
Signed Zine with lyrics, stories and artwork and a little surprise sent in the post
+ Digital Goody Bag - MP3 + Zine
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
£22 - Pure Harmony - Digital Song Parts
Digital Harmony Pack with all the separate harmony parts for you to learn at home, with permission to teach in your group (please note no Zine included)
£35 - Harmony Goody Bag - MP3s of Harmony Parts + Goody Bag in the Post
Digital Harmony Pack with all the separate harmony parts for you to learn at home, with permission to teach in your group
+Signed Zine with lyrics, stories and artwork and a little surprise sent in the post
+ Digital Goody Bag - MP3 + Zine
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
£50 - Album Sponsor
Public thank you in the Zine and online! And massive gratitude for sponsoring my dream.
+ Exclusive Signed Limited Edition Artwork
+ Signed Zine with lyrics, stories and artwork and a little surprise sent in the post
+ Digital Goody Bag - MP3 + Zine
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
+ Digital Harmony Pack with all the separate harmony parts for you to learn at home, with permission to teach in your group
£100 - Champion of The Arts
Public thank you in the Zine and online! Thank you for recognising the value of music.
+ Exclusive Signed Limited Edition Artwork
+ Signed Zine with lyrics, stories and artwork and a little surprise sent in the post
+ Digital Goody Bag - MP3 + Zine
+ Secret access to behind the scenes to watch the album unfold
+ Digital Harmony Pack with all the separate harmony parts for you to learn at home, with permission to teach in your group
ABOVE AND BEYOND - You can pledge any amount you want from £1 to £1,000! The sky is the limit
This Indie GoGo Fund will allow me the time and space to make the music which is important to me and you. Beyond the tangible cash that you give me, what I need are creative cheerleaders. As an independent artist it can sometimes feel overwhelming or impossible to make and release music. BUT every time my community rallies around me, it gives me a boost to get in the studio and to get to the finish line. Thank you so much!
As with all projects there are risks and challenges. I have a track record of overcoming hurdles with my past 3 albums, and I plan to continue with devotion and dedication.
I aim for this album to be produced in a slow and sustainable way. If anything hurt me during the last 3 albums it was putting too much pressure on myself, trying too hard, and having too much expectation. Having your support behind me, will allow me to trust in the process.
The best way my music travels is through word of mouth! Please send a friend my music or share this campaign with them.